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Posts by bboysmiles
Joined: Aug 15, 2009
Last Post: Aug 18, 2009
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Aug 15, 2009
Undergraduate / Personal Essay, "Life Defining moment" [8]

Please can someone help please help me with this essay?? I wanted to post the whole essay but unfortunately it is 720 words long, but can i please get some advice on this introduction??

Ring! Ring! Ring! It's five thirty! GET UP! Another day, but the usual routine, I fight a battle against myself to get out of bed. It was a cold and rainy morning, which made even sitting up difficult. I made my bed and went straight to the showers, the cold water dripping on my head slowly, woke me to my senses. I realized that day of the DYS Youth Summit, and my cast's "The Secret Garden" had finally come. I quickly got into the car and started the engine. The sun had not risen yet, and while the whole village was silent and asleep, I broke the silence with the roar of my t-100.

I got to the DYS Youth Summit just in time to practice and prepare my power point presentation on the effects of underage drinking, and in a few moments my fellow teen talkers would come with their presentations. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, and only half of the people who should have been there had come. Sensing panic, I tried to calm down and improvise. After thinking for a little while I divided all the teen talkers into 5 groups in order to handle registration, check on microphones, set walky talkies into the right channel, and to give out folders and pencils to the participants. Dividing the task made everything more organized and less hectic, problem solved.

Everything seemed to get better after that. The presentation on effects of underage drinking went great, and the participants were willing to try the activities I had planned. I thought the summit would end perfectly, but I found another problem. During lunch, I saw a catfight going on. I ran and tried to stop the fight. They apparently had a boy problem. I tried to calm them down. It was really hard, but it all worked out. After calmly talking about it, we all found it was a big misunderstanding.

After the DYS youth summit, I had a musical to perform at the stage located on the Pacific Island Club. "The Secret Garden" was a musical that was given to us to work on for only 2 months. I was truly worried when production day came. We had no time to practice our music with the pianist, and we had no idea we had to do it this early. Apparently Mr. Easton, our producer reserved the stage this early, because the adults were doing a Christmas, and a spring production, so "The Secret Garden: only had the month November to be staged, and to make matters worse our directors and co directors were inexperienced. Their blocking ideas were complicated, and could have misled the audiences' thoughts on where the actor was going, and what kind of character the actors portray.

As I have expected, the play was going through disasters. The veterans who were lead characters did great, however the supporting actors did not support us that well. There was only one way to fix this and it had to be done. We had to turn this serious piece of work into a comedy. Although it was evident that we were purposely changing our piece the audience seemed to like it, and the supporting actors didn't even need try on making it funny. Our producer was furious, but the audience loved our slapstick version of "The Secret Garden". Last problem of the day solved.

Throughout my life, I have always been a follower and a troublemaker. I always went through problems, and was too afraid to confront any of them. Looking back, I have never done anything like I have done on this day. This day truly was the turning point of my life, because it made me realize that I can be a leader and a problem solver.
Aug 16, 2009
Undergraduate / Personal Essay, "Life Defining moment" [8]

Ah... I see, i knew something was really weak about it
thanks for the suggestion it really opened my eyes ^-^
Aug 17, 2009
Undergraduate / Purdue personal statement - interest in science [15]

i agree with all the comments here, making it more specific and haveing a more solid ending would really make it a good essay haha

well good luck!!!
Aug 17, 2009
Undergraduate / The Art Institute of Dallas admission essay [10]

Well I think it is a good outline, i think you should write the essay and post it here, so we can give you a better feedback. Good Luck!!! ^_^
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