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Posts by sabry [Suspended]
Name: sabry Mohamed
Joined: Oct 28, 2016
Last Post: Oct 30, 2016
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From: Egypt
School: Al azhar

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Oct 29, 2016
Scholarship / Do not afraid to fall because this is the beginning of the road to success - LEADERSHIP & INFLUENCE [4]

Most people believe that leadership is a skill inherited or acquired at birth. However(,) leaders are individuals (who)can influence, motivate people around him them and get followed by them. In doing so, a leader achieves using plural or singular ? his goals by putting his intentions into actions with these characteristics: vision, perseverance and dedication.

I have been assigned in 2014 to BE the head of the affairs department working for facility ambulance Beni Suef.
In the first day it dawned on me that all work is performed Records and there is no cooperation among employees at work and i must put an action plan to the speed of downloading data and documents electronically and Matching with records .

I met the employees to know what that hinder the implementation of the proposal and it is the inability of some of the employees from working on computers and may be this is the first time for them to use a computer or a enter in the Records and it have been set up an intensive course to train employees on the use of the computer and how to modify and upload data on system and how to review and audit of the documents authenticity.

It was a big battle between me and the time and their ages because i was the youngest one between them .

Accordingly it was finished all of work on time and it was necessary to resolve all the differences that existed between employees to become one of the best teams in the organization.

And i already created a spirit of competition among the team members , to competing with each others until they start to compete with other departments . because we do not accept the second place in the organization.

It is a pleasure to mention that the number of people working with me in the personnel affairs management is eight individuals who review and preparation of documents FOR 654 employees.

In my professional career I've gained the valuable lesson ( Do not waste your time , Do not afraid to fall because this is the beginning of the road to success).
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