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My predicted career? A computer teacher or lecturer. Study Plan for KGSP Graduate Application [6]
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Korean Government Scholarship Program - plan of study
Goal of study, title or subject of research, and detailed study planI am applying for a master's program in Computer Education and Computer Science. My future professional career goal is to be a computer teacher or lecturer. Along with the technology that is growing rapidly, addressing the needs of today's learner and finding effective ways to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into teaching and learning process are the challenges I have to face as an educator. ICT using in learning and teaching process is no exception in Korea. I interested in learning about educational technology in Korea, especially about SMART Education program developed by Korean Ministry of Education. In terms of computer skills, I have a high interest to expand my knowledge in computer programming, networking, data structures, telecommunication, and multimedia for the classroom. I believe that master's program in computer education or computer science through KGSP can prepare me to pursue my future professional career goal.
I have been working at Bandung Institute of Technology for six months. Bandung Institute of Technology have been developing and using e-learning since 2015 to support the learning process of students. Based on my experience during work here, I realize that development and improvement of e-learning must continuously be done so that the e-learning can meet the needs of the user and effectively used in learning and teaching process. It inspired me to conduct a research about user satisfaction as the basis for the development and improvement of e-learning.
Background of the studyThe development of information technology, especially the internet in Indonesia led to many new innovation in the use of information technology in various field, including education. E-learning is one of innovations that applied in education field. The utilization of e-learning in education can facilitate distance learning and change the traditional and passive way of learning into more interactive and diversified learning. E-learning is a mediator that connects the resources and services to users that can be accessed anywhere. E-learning is used to facilitate the learning process, including access to learning materials, assignments, quizzes, and as media or discussion forum. Those needs must be fulfilled so e-learning can be used effectively in teaching and learning process. Consequently, the development and improvement should be done continuously. In the development of e-learning, the satisfaction level of students and lecturer as user of e-learning plays a very important role. So for my research, I plan to conduct a research about XXX. This research focuses on developing a XXX. The XXX will be measured using XXX method.
GoalsTo develop and apply XXX
Research MethodsThe research that I plan to conduct will be carried out by using Prototyping Model for the development of software. Prototyping model is the process of developing a trial version of a system in order to clarify the requirements of the system or to reveal critical design considerations. Following is the stepwise to design a software prototype:
Basic requirement identification: understanding the very basic requirements of product especially in term of user interface.
Developing the initial prototype: The initial prototype is developed, where the very basic requirements are showcased and user interfaces are provided.
Review of the prototype: The developed is then presented to the costumer and the other important stakeholders in the project. The feedback is collected in an organized manner and used for further enhancements in the product under development.
Revise and enhance the prototype: The feedback and the review comments are discussed during this stage and some negotiations happen with the costumer based on factors like, time and budget constraints and technical feasibility of actual implementation.
Expected OutcomesDevelop a web-based application that provides XXX
Measuring the XXX using XXX method.
Impact of the studyThe success of this research will be valuable in the future considering that the utilization of e-learning in education need to be improved. The web-based application developed in this research can help in collecting data about the level of satisfaction of e-learning users. In addition, the results of this research which contains information on the satisfaction level of e-learning user can be used as input in order to improve the quality of e-learning services.
Detailed Study PlanTo pursue my master's degree on time may require a lot of hard work. So I had planned what I must to do within 3 years during study in Korea. During the first year of my stay in Korea, I keen to focus learning Korean language and culture. I believe that my interest and basic understanding in Korean language will really helpful during one year of language program. After I finish my Korean Language Program, I will start my master's degree program. During my first year of master's degree, I want to join laboratory related to Informatics or Computing Education and start preparing necessary material for my research proposal under the instruction of my research advisor. In my second year, I keen to focus for my research by reading many journals and work hard for my thesis.