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Reason why people sometimes prefer ride bicycle when commuting to work instead of using eg. car [4]
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The first chart describe why some people cycling to work, the second one describe why others prefer driving to work.
Therese 2 main reason for way people prefer ride bicycle for 30%, first is health and fitness the second is that a bicycle is less pollution than a car, while 15% of theme prefer bicycle for it parking facility, the other 13% said that bicycle doesn't need any cost and surprisingly the last 12% considered that cycling is faster than driving.
In the other hand, the major reason for driving to work is the comfort for 40%, while 21% of people said that they prefer driving to work because of long distance, the other reason is that a car is faster than a bicycle to 14%, a similar percent said that they need to carry things to work, and lastly 11% considered the driving safer than cycling.
In general the major people prefer driving a car to work its comfort, while the main reason for cycling to work is healthy and environmental.
Thank you.