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Chevening networking skills-development of my networking skills through organization [2]
Hello there, I am trying to apply chevening this year, it's gonna be great if you want to help me to check my essay cos I am not really confident with it. Thank you in advanceFor having strong networking skills, an individual has to join some programs or communities or even organization. It is what was doing to enhance the quality of myself. During my study at the State University of Medan, I joined 2 communities called UKMKP (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Kristen Protestan or Christian Students Community) and Campus Concern Medan. These communities connected all Christian students in university from different faculties. Involving myself in programs provided by these organization was giving a chance to enrich my network.
One time, I joined voluntary work in 2014 with these organizations as the sponsors, I lived in country-side to teach children there. In this moment, I have known people who work as farmers, sellers in traditional markets or even laborers. They do not really know the importance of education, and the did not send their children to earn knowledge from formal schools. Dealing with them and make a conclusion was also the part of developing my network skills. Three months there, I had 40 students in my own class, and now they are in university majoring education. Sometimes, we contact each other to share about methods and condition. It makes me feel great because being their teacher means giving them the opportunity and life goals. This will influence my future goals to create more qualified educators in my home country.
I graduated in 2015, accepted in one of the international schools in Jakarta. Teaching in this international school was broaden my knowledge about my own major and teaching methods. Here, I learned the way to use social media as the part of learning itself. I used to use Edmodo to announce task or give notification to students. It makes me easy to contact them. Through this media, I also connected with their parents.
In 2017, I decided to improve my English skills outside Jakarta, exactly in Pare, Kediri, East Java. I joined Test English School, one of the courses in English Village. In this moment, I have met people coming from different cities in Indonesia, such as Makasar, Bandung, Surabaya, Madura, Lombok and others. We shared about our hometown, religion, cultures, life experiences and goals. This time, I have known people and connected with them through learning activities in and outside the classroom. This course provides a programme called around Pare that demanded the members to do some interviews with people stayed or learned in Pare about certain topics. This activity required us to contact people that we do not even know before and record a conversation video then upload it to facebook. Also, we have to upload all the assignment such as writing and speaking assignment in terms of spreading the fun English learning method. In this moment, my networking skills developed better than before.
All of this experiences has changed me to be an open-minded person and appreciated personality.