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The number of queries collected by the Tourist Information Office over six months - IELTS1 [4]
number of touristic enquiries
The line chart illustrate the number of enquiries received by the Tourist Information Office in a city over six month in 2011.Enquiries were received via letter,telephone or person.During this period, enquiries via person and letter increased but the number of enquiries via telephone felt.
In 2011,the number of enquiries in person just over 400 in January but in June,thạt number increased reach about 1900 .And the number of enquiries via telephone had a similar trend as in person,there were about 900 enquiries in January and it soared reach 1600 enquiries.
Besides, the number of inquiries by letter or email had downward trend.In January,there were over 800 enquiries and then June,that number decreased to about 400 enquiries.
In general,in 2011,there was an increased of enquiries via telephone and in person while the number of enquiries by letter or email felt.