Graduate /
Fulbright Master's Future Plans Essay [4]
Future Plans:*
Describe the career you plan to pursue after completion of study / research in the U.S., e.g. teaching, business, industry or any plans you might have for continued study or research in your home country. Also indicate if you will be returning to former employment, or if you have been promised a position in your home country after completing your U.S. training (Max. 2500 characters with spaces) .FUTURE PLANS
After completing my master's degree in the U.S., I will return to the company I co-founded and keep working as a Freelance Consultant. I believe this Masters' Degree will empower myself and my company to deliver a better service for my clients and my community, it will give me the tools and knowledge required to harness the full potential of Analytics and help me support the modernization and growth of my province and my country. Furthermore, I believe it will also allow me to move to more senior positions at future jobs and open many doors at bigger firms and projects.
Placing this in context, I started working at Ekantika LLC as a freelance Analyst in January 2019. A small consultancy firm located in Miami that allows collaborators to work from home, Ekantika is dedicated to Change Management Consulting which, in broad terms, is about supporting individuals, teams and organizations through organizational change processes. I was assigned as Lead Project Manager after three months at the firm and I've gained serious experience since, traveling almost once a month to Santiago, Chile to meet with clients, working side by side with different professionals in a multicultural environment and doing online courses while constantly adopting and applying new technologies and tools. This allowed me to gain expertise in analytics and Business Intelligence and in November 2019 I started my own company with two other partners. We co-founded Merovingian Data, a Business Intelligence consultancy firm based in Mendoza, Argentina. At Merovingian we develop tailored solutions for people and organizations using modern Data Analysis methods like Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, advanced visualizations and cloud-based solutions. As of now, we already have two ongoing contracts with clients and I'm leading an entire project myself while still working with Ekantika. I believe this is an exceptional opportunity because after completing my masters' I'll not only be able to directly apply all the theories, concepts, and practical experiences and projects that it offers at my firm but also lead a motivated team that is proud of using cutting-edge technology and delivers outstanding results.