Posts by lt3737 [Suspended] Name: tarah laguerre
Joined: Sep 22, 2022 |
Last Post: Sep 23, 2022
Threads: 1 Posts: 2
From: United States of America
Displayed posts: 3
Writing Feedback /
Effect of social media on interaction between people - merits and demerits [4]
You should provide examples in your 2nd and 3rd paragraphs to further prove your claim. Also your essay is more 50/50 as opposed to disadvantages surpassing the advantages. In order for your essay to not come off as a comparison essay provide more info as to why the disadvantages outweighs the advantages, what impact do the disadvantages have that make you believe that there is more bad than good on social media?
Scholarship /
Questbridge Personal Essay - Context in which you grew up - "Life in America" [4]
I think you should touch up more on how the lack of a social security number affected your plans for the future. I also think that you should include more about how this changed you as a person and remove some of the parts about you felt after finding out you didn't have a social security number (like in the last paragraph). Best of luck!
Scholarship /
Mastery Choir - QuestBridge National College Match Short Answer [2]
Tell us about one of your proudest achievements or moments and what it says about you.Mastery Choir
One of my proudest achievements is making it to the top Mastery Choir. This achievement meant some much to me, because it showed that my hard work will allow me to grow as a person. Choir and singing in general have always been some of my favorite activities. Walking into to the choir automatically made my day, if my day was rough I always had choir to look forward to. Despite it being one of my favorite classes there were some times when I struggled. For instance, sightreading, It has always been the hardest thing for me and I despised it because I could not do it well. Even though I did not like it I knew I needed it to be a great singer and student. I worked on it plenty and finally saw some improvement in my junior year of high school. My choir teacher saw my improvement and the work I was putting towards sightreading and she promoted me to Mastery Choir my senior year. I know that a label or a certain class doesn't prove my worth, but to see that my perseverance allowed me to grow has and will continue to change me.
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