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Posts by clauana
Name: Ana Claudia Duarte de Macedo
Joined: Feb 9, 2025
Last Post: Feb 17, 2025
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From: Brazil

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Feb 17, 2025
Scholarship / The Value of Hard Work - GKS-G Personal Statement [2]

Hello again! This time, I'm back to ask for help reviewing my personal statement for the GKS-G, embassy track. As it's my first time writing a personal statement, I'm not sure if it sounds off-track or not.

Maturing in a household of women only, shaped my perspective on resilience, emotional awareness, and the value of conquering goals step by step. I strongly believe that the people around us significantly influence who we become. After my parents' divorce, being raised by my mother in the same house as my aunt and grandmother deepened my understanding of strength, independence and problem-solving skills. I witnessed firsthand how they navigated challenges, balancing work, family responsibilities, and personal growth. Their resilience taught me not only the importance of perseverance but also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the opportunities life unfolds.

My mother is a surgical nurse, tenured public employee, at a state university hospital. Being in contact with university professors, she frequently told me about the power and importance of a strong academic education and how it can affect one's life. Therefore, she frequently supported any academic activities I had been interested in. When a young child, I enrolled in local English courses, but it was at the age of thirteen that I had the opportunity to study fully English through the University of Pernambuco's language program which made a difference on my interest in languages and different cultures.

By the time I reached the last year of middle school, I was certain that my passion laid in creating bridges between people and providing opportunities for diverse perspectives. Growing up surrounded by Asian content on television shows sparked my curiosity about East Asian. In 2016, at the age of fourteen, I was first introduced to South Korea. The Korean alphabet fascinated me for its visual harmony and intricate connections, much like a puzzle. To better understand the language and culture, I started learning Korean in the last semester of 2016 through a local course.

In my second year of high school, I've also started to learn Chinese language as I discovered that China, a few centuries ago, has played a significant cultural, political, and intellectual role in East Asia. Marking its influence in some of the Korean vocabulary as well, the Chinese loanwords, the Hanja, used in some contexts, even though less common in everyday use compared to Hangul, I found it fascinating. Besides that, the growing bilateral collaborations between China and Brazil were also a point of interest for me.

Advancing in both languages, especially Korean, I moved from a local course to the Korean Educational Center in São Paulo (KEISP) as their intermediate and advanced language courses would allow me to enhance my skills. While having classes, I actively participated in various Korean language oratory contests and culture festivals as a volunteer. I also received awards at the speech contests held by KEISP, such as: Grand Award, Cleverness Award and Honorable Mention.

In that very manner, the initial curiosity I had about the language gradually grew, evolving from just a long-term language course to a deep interest in South Korea's development as a nation. This thought, naturally, evolved to my desire in pursuing a major in International Relations, where I could explore the complexities of global interactions and contribute to fostering understanding and cooperation among different cultures and nations.

While on my first years on university, I was also making progress on Chinese language, I was selected for twice for national stages for the Global Chinese Bridge Competitions, in which I received honorable participation. In 2021, I was invited to join the four weeks program of Chinese Bridge Delegation at the Central University of Finance and Economics in Beijing, unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemics, the course was conducted online; upon its completion I was awarded a certificate of achievement for meritorious conclusion. Last year, I received a score of 280/300 from the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK level 3) and an 82/100 score for the HSK Speaking test (HSKK).

Throughout my Bachelor's degree in International Relations, I had one course specifically about Asian region in which I was completely captivated by South Korea's remarkable transformation from a war-torn nation to a global cultural and educational powerhouse. My fascination with Korea's strategic use of Hallyu as soft power not only shaped my academic pursuits but also inspired me to explore comprehensively the dynamics of power itself in global politics. My undergraduate thesis, "South Korea: Hallyu as a Soft Power Instrument in Foreign Policy" not only allowed me to analyze the power perspectives on Korea's cultural influence on the global scenery, but also, ignited my ambition to further explore the interplay between culture, national identity and politics.

On my senior year, I had the honor to be selected by the Academy of Korean Studies to participate on the "34th AKS Summer Program for International Students". For three intensive weeks, this summer program aims to cultivate young leaders who can contribute to the development of Korean studies. It includes special lectures regarding Korea, intensive advanced Korean language courses, excursions, and traditional cultural activities. During the three weeks in Korea participating in the program, I had the opportunity to learn a lot of different aspects on South Korea's culture, history, language, and, not less important, politics. From that experience I realized that my sense of purpose in keeping my research goals having South Korea as an object of study couldn't be more correct.

Alongside my academic strides, in 2022, I was accepted for a position at a trade company from United States. Since then, my role as an international trade operations analyst in a multicultural international company has provided me with practical insights into global dynamics and cultural adaptation, complementing my academic background.

South Korea, home to several prestigious universities, offers an ideal environment for my academic growth-especially as I continue to focus on Korea as my object of study. Completing my Master's degree in South Korea would deepen my understanding of contemporary Korean political and cultural dynamics, while contributing to advancements in comparative political studies and fostering bilateral dialogue.

The Global Korea Scholarship Program represents more than just an exceptional educational opportunity to me; it embodies the value of hard work in achieving aspirations and making the most of every opportunity life presents. It also marks an important step in my journey to become a bridge for bilateral cooperation, both academically and within the global community, between Brazil and South Korea.
Feb 17, 2025
Writing Feedback / Proposal Essay: Is Social Media a Negative Impact on Mental Health? [4]

You should first make your opinion on the essay prompt clear. Only then should you bring in contextualization with data, research, or case studies to support your argument. Don't just throw tons of numbers and citations at the reader without the proper structure. It will only make it harder to understand your point. Good luck!!
Feb 15, 2025
Scholarship / Social stereotype - Yale Young Global Scholars [3]

I don't think this text is suitable for the question you had to answer. Throughout the whole first paragraph, I thought it was more similar to the beginning of a novel than to your essay addressing the prompt.
I kindly recommend you to practice rewriting this topic trying to answer:
1 - What is the status quo or traditional belief you are presenting?
2 - How was it challenged?
3 - How did you overcome it?

Hope it helps!
Feb 15, 2025
Scholarship / Communication - What skills and knowledge do you hope to gain from your study programme? [4]

It's not a good idea to say in the first line what you lack regarding the course; actually, not directly in any part of the essay, if possible. It's better to focus on how the knowledge you aim to gain from the program will enhance and contribute to your skills, rather than emphasizing any gaps you may have.
Feb 15, 2025
Scholarship / Study Plan for Political Science Master's Degree - GKS-G [4]

I've rewritten part of this essay trying to align it with your advice. If you have time, please review it. I've tried to tie my past thesis with the new one according to my beliefs in the field, but I am not sure if it sounds like I am just babbling in the essay or not. Regarding the references, I've noted down some other books and papers I had in mind for this, but I am still not quite ready to let go of the old ones, as they are foundational texts. I'm not sure how to balance them in such a limited space.
Thanks for your time!

During my Bachelor's degree in International Relations, I became fascinated by the dynamics of power. While it may not be something we can smell, touch, or see, we all recognize its existence in various aspects: whether it's a parent's command, a president's speech, or simply the policy officer representing the power of the State in our daily lives. As Joseph Nye famously notes, power is often easier to experience than to define or measure, but it remains no less real. This intrigue with power has led me to explore its manifestation in international relations and domestic politics, particularly in the context of national identity and political movements.

This concept of power not bounded to only a single definition has always intrigued me, and it was precisely this fascination that led to my Bachelor's thesis, "South Korea: Hallyu as a Soft Power Instrument in Foreign Policy". In this research, I explored how South Korea leveraged cultural influence, through the Hallyu phenomenon, to enhance its global standing and deploy soft power. Through the process of this research, I have discovered a sense of purpose in keeping my academic research goals having South Korea as an object of study. The country serves as a bridge between the West and the East, offering a distinct perspective on the harness of power for comparative studies.

Nevertheless, as I continued to analyze the dynamics of the power projected South Korea in the international setting, I began to recognize an intriguing contrast: how cultural, national identity is used as a tool of power in a different political context. This realization brought me to my research interest for Master's degree, "The Mobilization of National Identity in the Rise of Political Right: A Comparative Study between Brazil and South Korea in the 21st Century", where I aim to explore the ways in which both my home country, Brazil, and South Korea utilize the power of national identity for political mobilization, especially amidst the rise of right-wing movements.

I intend to examine how the rise of political right-wing movements in Brazil and South Korea reflects a global dynamic, currently, shaped by the strategic construction and deployment of national identity as a tool for consolidating political legitimacy. Although Brazil and South Korea present different historical, cultural, and geopolitical contexts, both share the use of national identity as a central mechanism for political mobilization. The purpose of this comparative analysis is to investigate and understand the perspective that the notion of identity is not merely a cultural construct but a strategic political resource. In both foreign and domestic policy, national identity is deliberately shaped and mobilized to influence power dynamics. The research also plans to assess how narratives of constructing external and internal enemies, belonging, and security are instrumentalized to strengthen popular support and ensure political legitimacy.

The relevance of this study lies within a broader discussion on the mechanisms of political legitimization and the construction of consensus within contemporary democracies. In the context of the increasing global political polarization, it is crucial to understand how identity elements are mobilized by political leaders and movements to solidify the established order. The choice of Brazil and South Korea as case studies is motivated by the fact that, although they have distinct political and cultural trajectories, both countries have experienced the rise of the right in recent years, with a notable articulation of national identity elements to legitimize their agendas.

Through a qualitative and comparative methodology, and using a discourse analysis approach, the study aims to investigate and explore the impact of the identity narratives on the domestic and international perception of Brazil and South Korea's political legitimacy. To identify discursive patterns, Content Analysis will be employed, while Comparative Analysis will be used to highlight the similarities and differences between the national identity narratives and their political implications.

In the time of my first semester as a Master's student in Korea, I plan to strengthen my fundamental knowledge regarding the Korean perspective of Political Science while adapting to the Korean education system. For the second semester, I intend to start consulting the academic professor regarding my goal of study as well as diving deeper into the theoretical framework that will be based on fundamental concepts from political theory and political science.

Among the main authors and works that will support the research, the following stand out: John Nilsson-Wright's (2022), his paper "Contested Politics in South Korea" investigates the complex dynamics of identity politics and the resilience of South Korea's democracy, focusing on the influence of national identity in shaping contemporary political struggles. Similarly, Cho, Y., Kim, M., and Kim, Y. C. (2019), in their article "Cultural Foundations of Contentious Democracy in South Korea", explore the deep cultural and historical factors underpinning South Korea's contentious political culture, with particular attention to the role of collective identity and memory in shaping democratic processes. Lilia Moritz Schwarcz and Heloisa Starling (2015), in Brazil: A Biography, offer a historical and cultural examination of Brazil, emphasizing the development of its national identity and the political, social, and cultural challenges that continue to affect its democratic evolution. Hye-Kyung Lee (2020), in "Cultural Policy in South Korea: Making a New Patron State", addresses the South Korean government's strategic use of cultural policy to shape national identity and its broader political implications.

Benedict Anderson (1983), in "Imagined Communities", argues that national identity is a constructed concept that political elites mobilize to consolidate power. Anthony Smith (1991), in "National Identity", examines how national identity intersects with political legitimacy. Pierre Bourdieu (1991), in "Language and Symbolic Power", analyzes national identity as a form of symbolic capital used by elites to legitimize their authority. Gi-Wook Shin (2006), in "Ethnic Nationalism in Korea", explores the role of ethnic nationalism in South Korea's political discourse, particularly in justifying conservative policies.

By the third semester, I expect to start conducting my research (discourse analysis, documents and qualitative research) as well as the analysis of the collected data and writing of the research project. In my fourth, and last semester in Korea as a Master's degree scholar, I aspire to conclude the thesis and the program with academic excellence.
Feb 12, 2025
Scholarship / Education in Biology - to achieve scholarship in DGIST [5]

Hii Daffa, avoid the repetition of words; I lost track of how many times you wrote DGIST, my, and research. The paragraphs lack focus and logical structure, making it difficult to understand all the information you want to convey. Try to take your foundations and apply rewriting them in a logical way to respond to the exact prompt of your essay; don't stray off topic too much and focus on explaining one thing per paragraph, it should make your essay more clear.
Feb 11, 2025
Undergraduate / From Acting to Action: How Theater Shaped My Path to Management - UBC Personal Profile [3]

Hi Eleana, your essay seems a little off topic from the prompt.

You begin your first paragraph with
If I could choose only one activity
which does not seem very appropriate for this one, especially when the prompt does not ask you to choose just one activity. Despite that, the following two sentences made me interested in following your line of progress. But the progress never came. Usually, when we explain the process of something, we always need to think in terms of a beginning, middle, and end. However, your essay gives us 3-4 lines of a beginning and jumps straight to the result.

This unforgettable experience has helped me develop my networking, adaptability, and problem-solving skills

As a reader, it wasn't clear to me how you developed those skills throughout your journey in the theater club. I believe you should rethink the entire essay, keeping the focus more aligned with the main prompt and with a slightly more organized structure.

Wish you all the best!!
Feb 10, 2025
Scholarship / Think Tanks and Promotion of Bilateral Collaborations - Future Plan - GKS-G [3]

---- Hello again, everyone. Kindly help me reviewing this essay regarding future plans after finishing GKS program. Please let me know if I'm losing focus in any part of the essay. ----

Upon completion of my studies, initially, I would like to dedicate my abilities and efforts to contribute to the expanding of South Korea's understanding on political and cultural dynamics, as well as promote bilateral collaborations. To accomplish this, I intend to secure a 1-2 years researcher position in local think tanks institutions such as East Asia Institute (EAI) or The Asan Institute for Policy Studies. This will provide me with the opportunity to make the most of my knowledge to learn and understand the real-time practices and considerations in the industry; as respectable think tanks provide multifaceted contributions to the academic, economic and political system by stimulating public debate and offering specialized analysis and practical solutions to tackle the pressing issues.

Returning to Brazil, my goal is to collaborate with local and international governmental institutions as a fellow of Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI). I aim to utilize the knowledge acquired to contribute to the promotion of bilateral cooperation between Brazil and South Korea. I believe that a deep understanding of the dynamics of national identity and politics plays an important role in strengthening diplomatic relations. From this perspective, I intend to work on the development of cultural, academic, and political exchange programs that encourage the reciprocity of knowledge between the two cultures.

I expect to assist the creation of a Brazil-Korea Study Network, a collaboration between think tanks and universities from both countries, focusing on issues such as regional politics, soft power, international relations and democratic governance. This could include joint events, congresses and researcher exchange programs.

In summary, my plan after completing the GKS-G program is to leverage the knowledge gained to become a facilitator of bilateral cooperation, promoting dialogues and initiatives focused on fostering a strong foundation for development in both countries' academic, diplomatic and political fields. The knowledge acquired about the strategic use of national identity in politics will be central to my future work, whether in academia or international institutions, always with a focus on strengthening the relations between Brazil and South Korea. Given the opportunity, I'm sure I will be able to play a significant role in shaping bilateral cooperation, public policies and fostering political dialogue between these two nations.
Feb 10, 2025
Writing Feedback / IELTS WT2 - Socialising online or in person [3]

Hii Gwen,

I feel like your first paragraph lacks a real sense. It's too short and vague without any real introduction to the topic. Additionally, it ends without an effective connecting sentence to the next paragraph. Personally, I found the transition abrupt.

These platforms are designed so that anyone, regardless of their ages and regions, can easily use to communicate with people online.

In the second paragraph, there's too much information about how the platforms work, which, to me, diverges a bit from the original focus.
Overall, presenting only two reasons to justify the preference for online communication, without even mentioning other possibilities, seems weak argumentatively, especially since in the opening lines you mentioned that there were several reasons for this preference.
I suggest you to think again on the topic and rearrange your essay.
Feb 10, 2025
Scholarship / Master of Public Policy (MPP) - Manaaki scholarship [6]

Hii Febri, I believe you mentioned good points regarding learning objectives, but in a very superficial way. Try to develop how you will achieve these results, why these items were chosen as your goals, and how they will impact you in the future as well.
Feb 9, 2025
Scholarship / Study Plan for Political Science Master's Degree - GKS-G [4]

---- Hii, please help review the essay below for GKS-G Study Plan for Master's in Potical Science. Thank you!!! ----

Throughout my Bachelor's degree in International Relations, my thesis was "South Korea: Hallyu as a Soft Power Instrument in Foreign Policy". During the research and writing process I was able to learn and comprehend more about the role of South Korea's Soft Power in its Foreign Policy for the transformation and consolidation of the country's international political relations. After completing my bachelor's thesis, I have discovered a sense of purpose in keeping my academic research goals having South Korea as an object of study.

South Korea occupies a unique geopolitical position in the global scenario, with significant influence in understanding the political, social, and cultural dynamics in Asia, a region crucial in the global political landscape. South Korea serves as a bridge between the West and the East, offering a distinct perspective for comparative studies in Political Science and International Relations. For my Master's degree in Political Science, my academic goal is to explore the relationship between national identity and the rise of political right-wing movements in the 21st century, through a comparative analysis between my home country, Brazil, and South Korea.

Having my research focused on "The Mobilization of National Identity in the Rise of Political Right: A Comparative Study between Brazil and South Korea in the 21st Century", I aim to examine how the rise of political right-wing movements in Brazil and South Korea throughout the 21st century reflects a global dynamic shaped by the strategic use of national identity as a tool for consolidating political legitimacy. Although Brazil and South Korea present different historical, cultural, and geopolitical contexts, both share the use of national identity as a central mechanism for political mobilization, which is further highlighted in the context of the rise of right-wing political governments. This comparative analysis aims to understand how national identity is mobilized by political movements in Brazil and South Korea, proposing to assess how narratives of constructing external and internal enemies, belonging, and security are instrumentalized to strengthen popular support and ensure political legitimacy.

The relevance of this study lies within a broader discussion on the mechanisms of political legitimization and the construction of consensus within contemporary democracies. In the context of the increasing global political polarization, it is crucial to understand how identity elements are mobilized by political leaders and movements to solidify the established order. The choice of Brazil and South Korea as case studies is motivated by the fact that, although they have distinct political and cultural trajectories, both countries have experienced the rise of the right in recent years, with a notable articulation of national identity elements to legitimize their agendas.

Through a qualitative and comparative methodology, and using a discourse analysis approach, the study aims to investigate and explore the impact of the identity narratives on the domestic and international perception of Brazil and South Korea's political legitimacy. To identify discursive patterns, Content Analysis will be employed, while Comparative Analysis will be used to highlight the similarities and differences between the national identity narratives and their political implications.

In the time of my first semester as a Master's student in Korea, I plan to strengthen my fundamental knowledge regarding the Korean perspective of Political Science while adapting to the Korean education system. For the second semester, I intend to start consulting the academic professor regarding my goal of study as well as diving deeper into the theoretical framework that will be based on fundamental concepts from political theory and political science.

Among the main authors and works that will support the research, the following stand out: Benedict Anderson (1983), with his theory of "Imagined Communities", which proposes that national identity is a social construct and can be mobilized by political elites to consolidate power. Anthony Smith (1991), in his work "National Identity", discusses the relationship between national identity and political legitimacy. Pierre Bourdieu (1991), in "Language and Symbolic Power", addresses how national identity functions as a form of symbolic capital used by elites to legitimize their political authority. Gi-Wook Shin (2006), in "Ethnic Nationalism in Korea", analyzes the role of ethnic nationalism in South Korean politics and how it is used to justify conservative and security policies. Finally, Flavia Biroli (2020), in her studies on the rise of the right in Brazil, explores the mobilization of family, religious, and traditional values in Brazilian politics.

By the third semester, I expect to start conducting my research (discourse analysis, documents and qualitative research) as well as the analysis of the collected data and writing of the research project. In my fourth, and last semester in Korea as a Master's degree scholar, I aspire to conclude the thesis and the program with academic excellence.
Feb 9, 2025
Scholarship / GKS-G - Language Study Plan - My road with korean language [3]

---- Hello All! Please review my essay regarding the GKS Language Study Plan (Study plans to improve Korean/English language ability required for taking a degree course before and after you come to Korea) ----

Since realizing my enthusiasm for Korean culture and history, I have dedicated myself to learning and understanding the dynamics of the language. First, I've enrolled in a local Korean language course to properly learn the basics. Once I received the TOPIK 3 results in 2019, I moved from a local Korean language course to the Korean Educational Center in São Paulo (KEISP) provided language programs which highly enhanced my skills. Once enrolled in KEISP programs, I was able to achieve the TOPIK 5 in 2022.

Later, I was recommended by a teacher to apply for the "34th AKS Summer Program for International Students" held by the Academy of Korean Studies. For 3 weeks, the summer program allowed me to be even more immersed in the advanced language training, as soon as the program was completed, I was able to receive the TOPIK 6 level. In 2024, I was approved in University of São Paulo (USP) and Korean Educational Center's combined extension program for teaching Korean as a second language which provided me a deeper understanding on the language dynamics.

Regarding English language, back to when I was a child, I was enrolled on local English language courses. Growing up, my interest in books and in the International Relations and Politics field kept me involved in maturing the language training. From 2016 to 2019, I decided to enroll myself on the University of Pernambuco (UPE) Language and Informatics Program (PROLINFO), where I completed the total 288 course hours of English language program. Further now, I plan to take the TOELF exam before arriving in Korea.

After going to Korea, I intend to engage in Korean writing clinics and group tutoring initiatives to foster the development of linguistic skills at an academic application level. Besides that, I also plan to regularly participate in activities promoted by university in order to be familiarized with the daily spoken Korean. Gathering these experiences, I aim to improve my Korean language skills and raise my TOPIK 6 total score by 66 points in 2026's first semester.

As for English language, after going to Korea, I wish to also keep improving my English proficiency. I'll utilize related books and academic papers to keep enhancing my vocabulary and comprehension, I also wish to use mock exams to keep track on my progress. I hope to participate in meetups for international students struggling with Korean language use. This way I can share my learning experience and, at the same time, improve my communication skills.
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