Grammar, Usage /
How to write Memo about cultural differences to assist manager [12]
Hi, celine here...
Please help me with my
case study as i have difficulty with my english and i never write memo before.
Put yourself in the following scenario. Im the Human Resource Manager of landswork Ltd. landswork has decided that the market in my home country has developed enough for it to open a local operation. My CEO,R.T. Landswork has asked me as an expat of that country to prepare a memo about what
cultural differences landswork managers will face when the new operation is inaugrated.
my assignment then is to prepare a memo of no more than
10 double-spaced pages that will assist my managers. What will be looking here would be a precis of the particular features of your culture that would salient for managers in the workplace. this might include things such as business protocols, rituals, communication and interrelation mores and perhaps the industrial relations environment.