Graduate /
"Marketing is a tool to drive a business forward" - SOP FOR A MBA Marketing [5]
Hi please have a look at my proposed SOP and feel free to suggest changes i would really appreciate it
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Marketing is a tool that has an almost unparalleled ability to drive a business forward, organizations are constantly striving to innovate and improve product quality. Coming from a business family I am already embedded with an inane sense about trying to understand consumer needs and demands while at the same time establishing products which try and best fit in with their needs. The next step for me would be to broaden my horizons to understand the consumer's mindset even more acutely which would allow me to establish better quality and services to fulfill their demands.
My commerce background gives me strong analytical skills as it involves various facets of marketing strategy, economics, finance and accounting. Participation in academic extra - curricular activities had only served to increase my interest in marketing activities of business organizations while at the same time increasing my communication and leadership skills. They have gone a long way in convincing me to pursue further graduate studies.
For the past 3 ˝ years I have been working with my family business and have had the opportunity to closely observe and blend with the established systems already in place. This has given me a deeper understanding of the internal logistics behind pricing structures, quality controls and infrastructure costs and also given me a better perspective of my businesses core strengths and weaknesses.
In 2009 the organization started a major project focusing on major aspects like better marketing and packaging controls and more efficient and higher quality production I was part of the team that looked at possible solutions. We re- analyzed the production system and had several one on one discussions and consultations where we suggested controls to be put in place to streamline the production more efficiently and improve time between production and packaging. The 2nd part of the project was a very tricky tight rope to walk on.
Understanding the demands of the consumer and the limitations of the business while at the same time trying to find a middle path was more challenging than i could think of. Various ideas were put forward and lots of strategies discussed and a major amount of time was spent trying to understand the individual demands of the consumer and our ability to fulfill them collectively and individually at the same time. After a lot of deliberation a decision to revamp certain portions of the packaging of the products was taken. Various designs were shortlisted and debated upon and finally consensus was reached on the new shape and structure along with the color of the packaging.
This experience while very draining has been richly rewarding at the same time, has made me believe in myself. I was encouraged to take initiative and play a major role in trying to execute the project .During the duration of the project I had the opportunity to interact with every level of individual in the line structure this gave me a deep understanding of the functioning and important issues connecting each and everyone one in the chain. It instilled in me the discipline to listen to suggestions from everyone regardless of position without putting my ego in between and helped me keep an open mind while balancing everyone's interest in mind during the decision making process. The fact that I was part of the project and could perform my duties sufficiently boosted my confidence in my own abilities and also made me aware of the huge role and effectiveness of a good marketing strategy.
I want to attend ABC for various reasons. The structure of the course places an emphasis on practical learning and analyzing ability of a student. My experiences will go a long way in allowing me to concentrate on the course and allow me to achieve my goals. The optional internship program will help me get first-hand experience of the qualities required form a good marketing manager and give me valuable inputs in the decision making behind global marketing strategies, it will allow me to learn more innately and get a better global perspective to various key issues. I hope to gain insight and a bank of knowledge from the faculty. I hope to become part of the university which will give me an edge to work efficiently in varying situations.