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Posts by artnrd
Joined: Nov 11, 2010
Last Post: Dec 7, 2010
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Dec 7, 2010
Undergraduate / Joy of art discovered through broken heart: USC Animation Personal Statement [5]

I had someone edit my essay.. and it looks like this now (:

"Here! Take it!" I thrust a piece of paper into his arms. He responded with a quizzical look. I blushed. "It's Spider-Man... I drew it for you," I stammered, attempting to avoid his eyes. "Oh, okay, but no thanks. I don't like it." The boy pushed the paper back into my tense fingers, which had been crumpled into a little ball for some time. The boy walked away and joined his friends who shoved him playfully in by the arm, teasing him about me. I stood there, frozen in the spot where he left me, paralyzed from the feet up, all except for my face, which grew hot and red. Tears trickled down my cheeks, and I ran to the girl's restroom.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was twelve years old, and was deeply infatuated with the biggest jerk I have ever met. Because of him, I was introduced to the joy of drawing. The night before my most embarrassing day in middle school, I had locked myself in my room, with a Spider-Man comic book, a piece of copy paper, and a pencil and eraser. I was dressed comfortably: wearing tube socks, a warm, fuzzy sweater, and a pair of sweatpants. I placed myself on the cold wooden floor. I grabbed my pencil, and flipped through the Spider-Man comic book. I sat there like a child cradling a new toy on Christmas Eve morning, excited to learn the features and capabilities of this new toy. Just as my legs were beginning to get a little numb, I finally found the Spider-Man drawing: Spidey clinging to Green Goblin's back, fighting to throw him from his glider, while Green Goblin struggled to activate a pumpkin bomb he held above their heads. Immediately, I grabbed my pencil. I scanned the drawing, measured the space between each character and the angle of the objects in the drawing with my eyes. Looking back and forth from my reference to the copy paper, I sat there, quickly drawing in little lines that eventually transformed into a near-perfect replica of the original comic book art. It had been a little over three hours by the time I completed my drawing, but there was not a moment I didn't enjoy.

Though the joy I felt from drawing was temporary, as the boy broke my heart the following day, I had learned of something new and interestingly fun to do. I learned that I liked to draw, and enjoyed art immensely. So, after hours of tears flooded my face, I would discover many new ways to express myself artistically.

Two years later, I found myself at in a new city with my mother and my one year old sister, as an impoverished family with little money. Though I didn't mind my mom being broke, I did mind the fact that I would be starting my first year as a high school student at South Gate High School. The school was 99.8% Latino, according to my research. My Asian ethnicity was represented by only 0.01% of the school's population. Though, strangely, I was able to slip into the culture of my new school quite easily. Maybe it was partially due to my habit of sketching in my class notes: sequential drawings of story plots, character designs, people in class, or random objects. My fellow classmates would peer over my shoulder, examine my doodles, and excitedly ask me to draw their portraits. I would often happily comply.

I continued to draw, but did not know what I wanted to do with my interest in art until the day I watched Treasure Planet, a two-dimensional animated film mixed with new three-dimensional technologies that flooded my mind with a passion and magnificent joy that still last until this day. The fluidity of each character's movements, the fantastic colors, the awesome design of the ships, and many more eye-opening characteristics all seemed almost beyond human creation. Thus, I was determined to transform my ordinary self into an animator.

Beginning my freshman year, I enrolled myself in art classes at the local community college. However, the first day, a tinge of regret swirled within my mind as I traced my eyes along the printout of my schedule I held tightly while waiting outside of my new class. I wondered, "I'm a freshman in high school, enrolled in a college class. What am I doing here?" I felt nervous. But I was determined to become an animator, so I entered the classroom.

Several weeks passed, and the gap between my dream of becoming an animator and my not-as-ordinary-anymore self narrowed. My skills developed rapidly as I learned many technical aspects of drawing. I was easily one of the best students in class, and presented thoughtfully composed and well-executed drawings, which received positive comments from both teachers and students. Then as I improved my draftsmanship, I developed a new vision which changed the way I viewed my surroundings. Whenever I set sight upon a collection of objects, I would analyze its composition, and deem whether it could be transformed into an artwork. Is this the vision an animator has? Probably, but I don't mind whether or not this is the type of vision an animator has; instead, I will use this vision to encourage myself to become an even more skilled artist towards my dream of becoming an animator.

After about two semesters of my college art classes, East Los Angeles College [Art?] Department Chairperson, Jim Uyekawa, advised that I take initiative for becoming a better artist by applying to Saturday art programs for high school students and summer art programs. I took his advice and applied. I received merit-based scholarships for both programs and was able to gain real experience as an art student. There, I took classes relating to animation. I also received advice from professional working artists on their approach to the practice of their craft which helped me gain valuable perspective into the art industry. I no longer viewed art as merely a hobby, but as a serious practice: potentially, a career.

Ever since the discovery of my passion for animation and my love of art, I have gotten a taste of what it would be like to study at prestigious art schools, delved further into learning about my passion, and developed a new vision as an artist.

The experiences accumulated during my 17 years have geared me to develop my individuality, and have helped to shape my identity, my dreams, and my aspirations. That is why to be a part of the University of Southern California to study Animation will help develop critical qualities in me as a leader and a team player to realizing my dream as an animator.
Dec 6, 2010
Undergraduate / USC School of Cinematic Arts ---Animation Personal Statement [5]

Since you need to have all supplementary materials in by December 7th, I thought I might take the liberty of commenting your essay. (:

One windy afternoon, as I was portraying still objects in the school art studio. I heard a wind, and , a ginko leaf flew through the window and landed was brought in and fell on a liquor can at the edge of the huddled still-life scene. I diverted my attention to where the leaf was from landed and traced it to where if came from . Outside the window, I saw loci of the dancing insects and birds, postures of the fluttering leaves, rhythms of the aged models' paces on the path of the hill where our teaching complex located. I did not notice for how long I kept watching those scenes the wonders I witnessed , but there was one thing for sure one thing was certain ---- they these wonders touched me, much more than the stiff objects still-life placed on a the narrow platform. David Lynch says had once said in The Short Films of David Lynch: , " I want to see my paintings move, with music" . That's how I started the whole thing(use a different phrase, like, "That's how my passion for animation begun, etc.). Looking I looked at my own painting, and I felt that pure ("pure" painting is not a good word choice; it is as if you are insulting painting. Just leave the word "pure" out, or add another non-connotative word.) painting can't bring me as much excitement as motion art does.

Well.. I'm a little busy so I'll just edit one paragraph. I hope you don't mind.
Dec 6, 2010
Undergraduate / Joy of art discovered through broken heart: USC Animation Personal Statement [5]

Thank you nishabala. I appreciate your feedback. I also thought that the quotes you stated in your comment were unnecessary details, but the prompt asked me to be creative... >_< I guess I got a little too wordy non-creatively?

Prompt: The Cinematic Arts personal statement should reflect the applicant's individuality and explain why he or she would like to study animation and digital arts at USC. The Animation Admission Committee will review this statement as a measure of the applicant's creativity, intelligence, self-awareness, determination and vision. The statement should be a minimum of one page, and it should give the committee a sense of the applicant's long-term goals and artistic ambitions.
Dec 4, 2010
Undergraduate / Joy of art discovered through broken heart: USC Animation Personal Statement [5]

Hi! This is my personal statement for the supplementary required for USC Cinematic application. Please help me edit this essay, thank you.

And if you're curious about my portfolio, here it is: daiaenna.weebly.com

"Here! Take it!" I shoved a piece of paper onto a boy's arm. He responded with a quizzical look. I blushed. "It's Spider-Man... I drew it for you," I stammered attempting to avoid his eyes. "Oh, okay, but no thanks. I don't like it," the boy pushed the paper back into my tiring hands that have been crumpled into a little ball for some time. The boy walked away and joined his friends who shoved him playfully in the arm, teasing him about me. I stood there, at the spot where he left me, paralyzed from head to toe except for my face, which grew hot and red. Tears trickled down my cheeks and I ran away to the girl's restroom.

Dec 1, 2010
Writing Feedback / Technology, the social life killer or saviour? [3]

This is not a critique of your thesis.

You do know that your clothes is a type of technology, the chair you sit in, electricity. Everything we use that conveniences our life is technology...

Well, just so you know...

This is a critique ;D

I like your thesis, but it would better if in the last sentence, instead of "from phones to computers", you should include more different types of technology for comparison.
Nov 17, 2010
Undergraduate / From Thailand to LA, how the world has shaped me-UC Prompt #1 [2]

Hey guys! This is my first draft of UC's 1st prompt. I'm planning to continue this essay with prompt 2; make it sound like it belongs with each other when read in order. Well, I hope this essay is okay.

"Grandma, the plane is shaking!" I exclaimed excitedly to my shivering grandmother who held tight to her armrests. "Stop moving around! This is dangerous!" she replied, letting go of an armrest to push me back into my seat. The plane shook again, she retrieved her arm at lightning speed. Worried, I stared at my grandmother's face then looked out the small window. Below are miles and miles of ocean, I could not see land nor boats, and I knew I was far from Roi-et, Thailand, my hometown. I was only seven-year-old then, sitting in a lofty seat in an airplane heading for the United States. I have never traveled out of the country before and felt terrified. The only factor keeping together my anxiety was my father waiting for me at LAX. Then I begun to reflect the colorful memories I had at Thailand.

I was born in a small rural area and lived my seven years in a communal place. There was only one elementary, one secondary school, but numerous acres of rice fields. I remembered racing across the fields barefooted into the muddy mush that squeezed through my toes, and the old farmer that'd always yell at me for ruining his crops. I was adventurous and felt the need to explore every nook and crannies of my town. When the weather was dry, a small festival would be set up and Thai reggae would play loudly over the dried rice fields. At times, my grandmother would travel and allowed me to tag along. I traveled with my grandmother to many cities, some that no one has ever heard of, and some that were tourist hot-spots. During the trip, I would see tourists curiously picking at an exotic item, and felt an inclination to ask them of their country and how they liked Thailand. But before I could ever ask questions, my grandmother would touch my arm, and say, "It's dangerous." Then I would languidly stroll back to join my grandmother's friends. My natural curiosity felt constrained, but I felt safe. My grandmother is friendly and loving, and I knew I had a great guardian. I came back to reality and looked up at my shaking grandmother tightly grappling to the armrests, and felt a warm feeling. Feeling tired and worn out, I slept.

Phshhh... the plane lowered onto the runway after hours of flight, and I awoke. My grandmother's fear was no longer there when she turned and smiled at me. "Ready to step onto America and see your father?" she asked. The daring little girl that I was went into hiding and mustered a shy smile. I realized I felt scared to leave Thailand, and to step onto a new strange land. I hid behind my grandmother's leg often and darted my eyes across the wide lobby searching for my father even though I had no idea how he looked like.

My fear, though, disappeared over time after that day. I moved to Torrance with my family of twelve and went to elementary school knowing not a word of English. I felt fear, but my cousins that lived with me encouraged me to be happy. I befriended girls and played with them even though I could not verbally communicate personal thoughts. But slowly, my natural curiosity returned and my spirit was revived. By third grade, I was in the only honors third grade class and skipped fourth grade to enter fifth grade. I earned the award, "First to graduate high school" among many awards and played the violin. I enjoyed the arts and academics, and decided that I want to do the best I could. That same year, I exchanged words with my mother for the first time in a very long time. I adapted to my fear of the United States and begun to love it. The American community gave me colorful memories to remember and to reflect. The world I came from was different from the world I'm living now, but both worlds had become a part of my identity and it had shaped my aspirations and dreams.

Word count: 683 679

Thank you!
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