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Posts by Rhettgray
Joined: Nov 15, 2010
Last Post: Mar 5, 2012
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Mar 3, 2012
Writing Feedback / 'John Halas a cartoonist' - the cartoonist research essay [3]

Rhett Gray

John Halas a cartoonist from the young age who formed the longest-running animation studio in our history, developed techniques and set trends that were of great significance in the world of animation.

John Halas was born in Budapest on April 16; 1912.John Halas earliest drawings were free-lanced to various French magazines when he was a teenager in Paris in 1930. He learned his craft under George Pal. John Halas met his wife, Joy Batchelor, in 1937 when advertising for help. He Begin his career, making advertising animations with paper cut-outs. Halas left Pal in 1933 to study at "The Studio", a private graphic-design school run by Alexander Bortnyik and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy as a split-off from the famous German Bauhaus. They formed their own company, and later, through an introduction by John Grierson, the documentary filmmaker, got a job with J Walter Thompson, the advertising agency. John Halas and Joy Batchelor got married in 1940, the same year that they formed Halas & Batchelor Cartoons Ltd. They happened to be in the right place at the right time: the advent of the Second World War produced a demand for propaganda films, which kept the studio busy .By 1945, Halas & Batchelor was the largest in Europe. John Halas president of ASIFA, the International Animation Association, of which he was a founder member, president of ICOGRADA, the international design association, chairman of the British Federation of Film Societies, as well as acting in several other film-related societies.

Halas was one of the a author of the technique of film animation it talk about "The use of a matching sound track is discussed, and there are sections on puppet films, widescreen animation, and animation techniques which are being used in the future, including computer animation". He wanted the increasing combination of animation and lives action in films. John Halas was a keen innovator, and his studio was always among the first to use new techniques including computers, holography, 3D and the like as they became available. Not all the techniques were successful, but, in the process, he met scientists who in turn were influenced by the possibilities of animation. Halas's hard work for the animated cartoon, he saw as an international rather than national form.

John Halas had work over more 2000 films in his lifetime but the film, everyone know him for is feature-length adaptation of George Orwell's political fantasy Animal Farm most people it call his greatest bid to world fame. It was released in 1954,also won critical acclaim worldwide. John Halas had his hand in lot of kind of work like TV entertainment, commercials and expansion. Halas & Batchelor devised the logo for ABC television and made series for TV such as Foo Foo. John Halas started to work on commissions for TV series from other studios he work on shows like Popeye and Jack Wrather Corporation's The Lone Ranger.
Jan 20, 2011
Book Reports / INTO THE WILD - connect with Emerson's quote [4]

Rhett Gray
Lit 1 hr

"It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." this quote was wrote by Ralph Waldo Emerson . I believe Emerson is basically arguing that it is easier live within the norm of society, reflecting and accepting the ideal, while it's just as easy to be cutting edge, unique, etc., when you don't have to put yourself out in the open. Chris McCandless from Into the wild by Jon Krakauer is able to retain their individuality amongst fellow men.

Into the wild is about Chris McCandless a intelligent, extremely intense young men with a strerk of stubborn idealism. McCandless connection to Emerson quote is prefect. Chris grows up in Washington D.C. in a wealthy suburb, where be succeed, both academically and athletically. He graduates from Emory University with honors in 1990.

Chris McCandless who like the simple life ,he question everything in his life he want to be his own person without help from anyone "When he returned to McCandless's camp and launched into the self-improvement pitch, though , McCandless cut him off abruptly. "Look, Mr. Franz," he declared, "you don't need to worry about me. I have a college education .I'm not destitute. I'm living like this by choice." And then, declared, "you don't need to worry about me. I have a college education. I'm not destitute. I'm living like this by choice." And then, despite his initial prickliness, the young man warmed to old-timer, and the two engaged in a long conversation, Before the day was out they had driven into Palm springs in Franz's truck, had a meal at a nice restaurant, and taken ride on the tramway to the top of San Jacinto Peak, at the bottom of which McCandless stopped to unearth a Mexican serape and some other possessions he'd buried for safekeeping a year earlier."(50).This show how Chris won't let anyone tell what is right for him. McCandless value his principles over people, which led many to respect him.

Christoper McCandless know what he wanted in this world, the thing he left the life he live behind to take a 2 year trip for the Ultimate freedom, Alaska his odyssey. Chris wanted a freedom other people's rules and Authority over him.McCardless wants to live in the world where the only laws he feels the need to fellow are those of Nature"Gallien asked whether he had a hunting "Hell, no"Alex scoffed." How I feed myself is none of the government's business.Fuck their stupid rules." When Gallien asked whether his parents or a friend knew what he was up to whether there was anyone who would sound the alarm if he got into trouble and was overdue Alex answered calmly that no, nobody knew of his plans, that in fact he hadn't spoken to his family in nearly two years." I'm absolutely positive," he assured Gallien,"I won't run into anything I can't deal with on my own." "There was just no talking the guy out of it,"Gallien remembers." He was determined. Real gung ho.The word that comes to mind is excited. He couldn't wait to head out there and get started."(6).Chris mind is set on his Ultimate freedom from a world where everyone find it save to follow the leader.
Jan 18, 2011
Undergraduate / "a case of déjŕ vu" - An Intellectually Engaging Idea [11]

déjŕ vu it been happening to me a lot lately it like a rush videos n pic of what is going on.In Ur head all u can say this happened before same everything trying to explain it to Ur girlfriend is hell.

my theory not really my theory ....theory from 5 stoner who are my friend came up with this

"we have two world both alike in every-way same people same news and everything .the only different in the world is world 1 had a 3 or more days head start ....this means the world 1 you have already live what just happen to you "

that the theory they put together n i can remember
Jan 18, 2011
Book Reports / INTO THE WILD - connect with Emerson's quote [4]


Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude."

Jan 18, 2011
Faq, Help / Turnitin website - originality report [15]

Nov 16, 2010
Undergraduate / "to bring my drawing to life and onto movies" - career aspiration, Ai of Jacksonville [7]

What about this

Media and Animation art is a dream of my. I really want a career in animation. I believe my education at Ai will help me bring all thought and ideas to life or on TV. Doing something that is fun for me is very important to me ,I plan to enhancing my skills and containing getting better.

I have always wanted to bring my imagination to life in the digital world of animation
I came to chose media and animation art for a career because I always wanted to have my name at the end of a movies or cartoon .Inspirations to this have been animation by Blizzard, Pixie, etc.Watching Saturday morning cartoon inspired me to want to have a careers in media and animation art. Most of my work is based around the human figure, also focusing on lighting and shadowing based on position and proportioning.

if i need to add more tell me ok
Nov 15, 2010
Undergraduate / "to bring my drawing to life and onto movies" - career aspiration, Ai of Jacksonville [7]

How is this

Media and Animation art is a dream of my.I really want a carrer in animation.i believe my education at Ai will helpme bring all thought and ideas to life or on Tv.Doing something that is fun for me is very important to me ,i plan to enhraning my skills and contining getting better.

I came to chose media and animation art for a careea because i always wanted to have my name at the end of a movies or cartoon .Watching saturday moning cartoon inspired me to want to have a carees in media and animation art.

tell me what i need to add or move that will help
Nov 15, 2010
Undergraduate / "to bring my drawing to life and onto movies" - career aspiration, Ai of Jacksonville [7]

How is this

Media and Animation art is a dream of my.I really want a carrer in animation.i believe my education at Ai will helpme bring all thought and ideas to life or on Tv.Doing something that is fun for me is very important to me ,i plan to enhraning my skills and contining getting better.

I came to chose media and animation art for a careea because i always wanted to have my name at the end of a movies or cartoon .Watching saturday moning cartoon inspired me to want to have a carees in media and animation art.

tell me what i need to add or move that will help
Nov 15, 2010
Undergraduate / "to bring my drawing to life and onto movies" - career aspiration, Ai of Jacksonville [7]

150 word essay on "Why I fell that an education at Ai will help my career aspiration
Im am going to be doin media arts and animation
I dont know how to start or what to say

I want to bring my drawing to life ,i been drawing all my whole life

i want people to see my work on tv movies n more

But this is all i have down what all do i need
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