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Posts by samojogbo
Joined: Dec 3, 2010
Last Post: Dec 12, 2010
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From: Nigeria

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Dec 9, 2010
Undergraduate / "I love to draw" - extracurricular activity, why I chose it & why I continued with it [4]

Unlike any of my siblings, I love to draw. I believe I am a very good artist and I have several accolades to show that I am. Since the age of five, I have spent most of my leisure times drawing. When I was fourteen years old, I desired something more challenging than casual drawing, so I joined my high school's International Art Club.

On the first day, we the new-comers had to take a diagnostic test to help measure our ability, and group us into different levels. The diagnostic test consisted, mainly, of still-life drawing.

The test was really competitive as nobody wanted to be at the bottom level. During the test, there was a lot of tension in the room, and to make things worse, my patron was constantly correcting my technique. From my positioning to my lines to my cross-hatching, nothing I did seemed right to him. With all these complaints, even I began to doubt my abilities

The entire first week, I was stuck with the patron. He kept repeating that I should make my line single and faint and not rough and dark. While my body and my mind told me to quit, in my heart, I felt that quitting was not the right response. I wanted to prove to my patron that I was better than what he thought of me and I wanted to become a better artist.

So, I continued to practice. Many times, I felt as though I had pushed myself to my limit and could not go any further. My goals of becoming a greater artist, and proving to my patron that I was better were what kept me going. I practiced a lot, and finally, I conquered the physical and mental challenge of the art. After just a few months, I became a better artist and I was able to rectify my patron's perception of me.

When facing a challenge, it is easy to quit. But in order to achieve something, persistence and commitment are essential. By being consistent in my efforts, I know success will be likely. Weaknesses, setbacks and failures are a part of life. However, due to my experience in my high school's International Art Club, I now know how to overcome these imperfections, and not be dictated by them.
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