Undergraduate /
Explain what has lead you to chooses your career path [4]
There was a specific time in my life when I thought that I wasn't going to make it. I thought I would not make anything out of myself. I had lost who I was, my identity, and my motivation. Now I know my way in life, and what I want to do in my future that is to study medicine. I know surely that I want to become a doctor and to a to be exact, a radiologist. I know I have the intellectual capacity, will, and determination to take me there. I dream of working in an office with Hisham Kassem on the door, followed by two very important letters to me, MD.
During my freshman year I faced many problems with my family and more turmoil within myself. I was lost, and had trouble finding my way. Through the seemingly endless darkness that was cast upon me, a light shone brightly in the distance. This light is a woman who showed me to believe in myself and not to let anything hold me down. This woman is my best friend, and though in college we will unfortunately part ways for a short time, I will never forget the lessons she has unknowingly taught me in my life and will always keep in touch.
I will do it, because she is something I did not have when I was younger and throughout most of my life. Thanks to her I know who I am now and know where I want to be. With trust in myself I have overcome this tragic time in my life. I want to become a doctor because I want to do more than help people. I want to save lives. I lead others in my many volunteer activities and help those in need whenever possible. I will be forever humble and thankful if I will be given the opportunity to receive education at Johns Hopkins University. Through my life I will also be thankful for the second chance that has been given me to truly show the world who I am. I know that during college I will still continue to participate in medically related volunteer activities because I find it soulfully pleasing.
All money and recognition aside, the true reason I want to become a radiologist is because this very dear person to me had an early stage of breast cancer that could not be seen or felt. This flaw in detection makes me more determined to attain my goals and develop a sure way of revealing breast cancer while it is still in its early stages. I will always love the woman who saved my life and my soul and I have made a promise to myself to give her what technology was unable to, an answer.