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Posts by aminowrimo
Name: Maria Dascalu
Joined: Nov 2, 2013
Last Post: Nov 27, 2013
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Posts: 4  
From: United States of America
School: Homeschool

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Nov 8, 2013
Undergraduate / MOST MEMORABLE SUMMER; SEWANEE- contact with Sewanee? [8]

Well, that certainly explains the confusion I had about the prompt. XD (Best double-check that when you submit the essay, too!)

If you really need wordcount, you can cut out the size. Otherwise, good luck! Word limits suck (though I've found out by reading a lot that if yo uhave something really important to say, they're a bit lenient. They don't actually count words? Take it with a grain of salt, but I hope you can figure the wc out!)
Nov 7, 2013
Undergraduate / MOST MEMORABLE SUMMER; SEWANEE- contact with Sewanee? [8]

Hi! Thanks for commenting on my essay; I'm here to return the favor. :) I like doing an in-line critique, I'll have more general things at the end.

When I first perused Sewanee's website, I was hesitant.< Passive. How were you hesitant? If you can find a more active way of putting this, that's fantastic. If not, this is acceptable too. || Could this be? A community as sensitive to its environment as I am?.The summer I visited the Obudu Mountain Resort was my most memorable holiday.< This sentence is a really big jump from 'environment sensitivity' to 'my summer.' Try transitioning into this better. Also, as it's a new topic, this should be in a new paragraph. || I was only ten but I instantly felt at home within massive rocks, cascading waterfalls and vibrant green leaves. At this age I developed a complete connection< Not sure this is the correct wording. 'binding' connection, perhaps? "Complete connection" feels weird to me- unfortunately I cannot articulate why that is. || with the verdant landscape and preferred watching everything< What does this "everything" refer to? People, animals, trees? || from the top. < You can use this sentence and move it to the beginning of your 'my summer' subject change. || I enjoyed riding the slow-paced cable cars and traveling< Not sure you can travel a walk. You can 'trek' or 'hike,' however. || the frightful canopy walk.

The 13,000 acre < Does the acreage matter? || Sewanee Domain reminds me so much of that summer. I am excited about the prospect of revisiting the Canopy Walk!. I look forward to taking in every inch of Sewanee's scenery with the Green's View and taking< You use 'taking' twice in the same sentence in different senses without its being a zeugma, (i.e. John and his license expired last week). Try a different wording. || part in the myriad of stimulating activities the Sewanee Outing Program has to offer -from Mountain Biking to Kayaking.

I'd be equally honored to give back to Sewanee's environment by engaging in any of the programs organized by the student body dedicated to this cause; or - particularly living in the Green House. It is a small but impressive effort towards this effect. < Which effect? This paragraph is confusing-I'd want clarification. ||

Sewanee's tightly- bonded community gives me the benefit of sharing these great experiences with both students and teachers. I will ultimately grow by challenging myself in every way.


Good essay! You have good grammar and a grasp of more complicated vocabulary (myriad, etc.) That said, there are a few things:

- You need to work on your transitions. Like I said above, you jump around from one topic to the other and we're jarred around a bit.

- I'm not 100% sure that your essay answers the prompt. It feels more like you're talking about 'what you'd like to experience' at Sewanee and less 'how you've been in contact.' If I'm wrong on that, please let me know.

Beyond that, great job! I'm really interested to know more about this Obudu Mountain Resort, so I'm going to go look that up now. :)
Nov 7, 2013
Undergraduate / Tree Top Tunnel Vision; Background Story [3]

Thank you, smashcommonapp! The reason I included the Chinese crowd was because of the gasps, and to add a bit of flavor to it-I don't think anyone else that day managed to stay on the rope, and the people coming before and after me were Chinese.

I'll keep what you said in mind about the other paragraphs. Again, thanks!
Nov 2, 2013
Undergraduate / Tree Top Tunnel Vision; Background Story [3]

This is the essay I am writing for the Common App.

Prompt: Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

Tree Top Tunnel Vision

The rope is pulling away. There are only two options: to grab onto it or to be yanked forward by the safety cables at my waist. I choose to grab. I launch myself at the rope, grasp it. Whizzing through the air, I relax momentarily. Then, with dread, I realize it's not over yet: the net is approaching and I can either latch onto it, or swing backward, spinning, and lose all I've worked for. The net is within reach. I clutch at it, somehow hang on. Gasps from the Chinese crowd below. The music on the loudspeakers is playing, but I don't notice it. I'm trying to hang on with aching muscles, trying to breathe, while I remove the safety cables from the rope and attach them to the net. It is only after I let the now-useless rope drop behind me that I realize I forgot to scream.

It is May 22nd, 2012, and I am at the Bali Treetop Adventure Park, trying not to focus on the pain or the dizzying height at which I am. Built in an Indonesian forest, this is an obstacle course that makes me feel like a monkey scrambling through the jungle. For safety reasons, I am attached to the course with two safety cables- sometimes a zipline, also. Most of the course consists of hanging on to a thin wire and walking over obstacles that involve both the body and the mind. The Great Tarzan Jump is only the sixth of sixteen obstacles in the Adrenaline Black Circuit. The only reason I completed the other ten obstacles was because I couldn't conceive stopping. This intense focus, this tunnel vision, this determination to finish what I've started and to be the best at it, is a quality central to my identity.

Sometimes, as in Bali, it is a useful trait. I can read through War and Peace's epilogues or the Divine Comedy despite the fact that I would rather be walking outside or talking to friends. I can outline a biology textbook in a week, or write a full-length novel in a month, because at that moment it is the best thing to do in the world.

Other times, this tunnel vision causes problems-I can get so caught up in my task that I ignore important things: people, chores, relaxation. I become so involved in pursuing a path that I don't realize it is no longer the right direction-like in January 2013, when I decided to apply to the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania, only to realize, six months of preparation later, that Romania was not the right fit for me.

Had I not made these decisions, I would not be the person I am today. Without my tunnel vision, I would have dropped the medical school option much sooner, thus losing the opportunity for better communication with my Romanian family. I would know less of my birth country's history, literature, and culture.

If I did not have my intense focus, the rope would have dragged me forward. I would not have grabbed the net. Instead, I would have oscillated until I reached the ground, and then, having been booted from the tunnel, I would have said, exhausted, "I've had enough. No more."

But that is not how the obstacle course works. That is not how life works. The purpose of both is to set a goal and to follow that goal until you either have the results you want or until the goal no longer has meaning. Giving up is not an option, no matter how difficult the circumstances are. When you renounce something because it is too hard, you renounce success. It does not matter whether that success is money, status, or, most importantly, happiness and self-fulfillment. When you give up on an important goal, you give up on life.

Thank you!
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