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Posts by fangrz
Name: Rebecca Fang
Joined: Dec 23, 2014
Last Post: Dec 23, 2014
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Dec 23, 2014
Research Papers / Understanding Addiction; substance abuse have become a huge epidemic in today's society [2]

I wouldn't use the word "important."

Reword this (it is confusing): There has been major controversy in today's society about labeling addiction as a disease and in the long run is only hindering the treatment process.

Reword this: The problem is that the definition is not what is making it addicts continue their destructive behavior, the addictive traits associated with the drugs are.

Reword this: Experimentally weakening free will beliefs led to cheating, stealing, aggression, and reduced helping. Bolstering free will did not change participants' behavior relative to a baseline condition, suggesting that most of the time people possess a belief in free will" (Baumeister, Vohs. P1.) So do Addicts use the deterministic view of addiction as an excuse to make themselves feel better?

The sentence that starts with " New scientific research has shown that heredity has a powerful influence on compulsive drug use." should be a new paragraph.

"Pleasure seeking" should be "pleasure-seeking"
For this sentence--"The drugs will hijack the persons reward/control pathway and urges individuals to do it again and again."--"urges" should be "urge"

For the last sentence, instead of saying "disorder," maybe you should say "problem." Earlier in your essay, you explained that people don't know if addiction is a disease or a choice. By using the word "disorder," you make it sound like addiction is definitely a disease.
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