Oct 22, 2016
Writing Feedback / The sophisticated processes of making peanut butter [2]
Hello @hanimps97,
Here are some feedback:
... butter from harvestingthe peanuts to packaging the product into the jarareis illustrated in diagram.
---> If I were you, I would delete the words in blue, because it makes the sentence too long and wordy.
... eight steps in the processes of producing peanut butter, those are started from: harvesting, ...
ThefF irst step, peanuts which have ...
Then, the nutswhich that have been cooled,...
Hope this helps!
Hello @hanimps97,
Here are some feedback:
... butter from harvesting
---> If I were you, I would delete the words in blue, because it makes the sentence too long and wordy.
... eight steps in the process
Then, the nuts
Hope this helps!