This is a state of a nation poem!
I have had a go at it knowing I am a learner still.
I appreciate and thank the house in advance for its opinion and voice
Many thanks!!
My current state began as I chose to become a leader for my nation!
The anticipation, excitement, and anxiety visible
The voters determined yet asking
A deprived populace in need
Instigated by mortification
The youths clamoring for new beginnings
Demanded a political leader
So change beckoned;
To write wrought of the nation and its citizens
The leader made promises
The lyrics plausible the nation glaring;
In this dry and thirsty land, the song was like a water so he yielded
Forgetting that a person who gives in to evil is like a polluted spring
These empty promises he has since denied, she cries 'oh more corruption'
A year on, the nation's story is akin to a bird;
A political leader who plugged and still plugs at the feathers of live birds,
He made a point thus;
They birds once released was in pain, who would not!?
Still, they followed
Because their thought process was saying he feeds me.
Does she not have a choice??
A shout can be heard even from a far
Yet she fears her injustice cry may not be heard
Does this state really reflect the injustice she faces today!?
She now have these facts to chew on
Or the irony which says "the previous administration blossomed like never seen".
If only he becomes a leader who reframes from blaming past events he can not now control.
For only legitimacy problems have arisen,
Interpreted as having no power,
In a crisis, she is weak!
She can not back down on a crisis,
but rather see the crisis as a challenge as opposed to failures,
It would push the nation and her people to strive harder she hopes!
For now, her citizens are silent,
Still, they are heard thinking; the previous administration was more corrupt and wasteful.
She knows tomorrow is pregnant
She becoming adamant to her pain,
In groans"no country leader, is right 100 percent of the time,"
Ohh how rooms are furnished with valuable, beautiful things where there is knowledge,
For in the quietness of her heart, the unspoken is heard,
The unsearchable knowable
For a great leader is one who responds to issues, and situations quickly.
In the leader she elected she for yearns for;
Executives to execute great plans for her
Solution provider, not complainant
She says before the change mantra If she saw corruption she still sees today
She admires her nation so much she overlooks the corruptions however dreamily
She appreciates and would have yesterday
To some extent, she lived simply
It was a nation she knew, believed in and felt she could dream in!!!
For the uncertainty she faces today,
Every second, minute, hour and day she asks one last question
Where was I before?
Where I'm I now??
And where I'm I headed???
This is a state of a nation poem!
I have had a go at it knowing I am a learner still.
I appreciate and thank the house in advance for its opinion and voice
Many thanks!!
Corruption, Corruption, and more Corruption or Injustice
My current state began as I chose to become a leader for my nation!
The anticipation, excitement, and anxiety visible
The voters determined yet asking
A deprived populace in need
Instigated by mortification
The youths clamoring for new beginnings
Demanded a political leader
So change beckoned;
To write wrought of the nation and its citizens
The leader made promises
The lyrics plausible the nation glaring;
In this dry and thirsty land, the song was like a water so he yielded
Forgetting that a person who gives in to evil is like a polluted spring
These empty promises he has since denied, she cries 'oh more corruption'
A year on, the nation's story is akin to a bird;
A political leader who plugged and still plugs at the feathers of live birds,
He made a point thus;
They birds once released was in pain, who would not!?
Still, they followed
Because their thought process was saying he feeds me.
Does she not have a choice??
A shout can be heard even from a far
Yet she fears her injustice cry may not be heard
Does this state really reflect the injustice she faces today!?
She now have these facts to chew on
Or the irony which says "the previous administration blossomed like never seen".
If only he becomes a leader who reframes from blaming past events he can not now control.
For only legitimacy problems have arisen,
Interpreted as having no power,
In a crisis, she is weak!
She can not back down on a crisis,
but rather see the crisis as a challenge as opposed to failures,
It would push the nation and her people to strive harder she hopes!
For now, her citizens are silent,
Still, they are heard thinking; the previous administration was more corrupt and wasteful.
She knows tomorrow is pregnant
She becoming adamant to her pain,
In groans"no country leader, is right 100 percent of the time,"
Ohh how rooms are furnished with valuable, beautiful things where there is knowledge,
For in the quietness of her heart, the unspoken is heard,
The unsearchable knowable
For a great leader is one who responds to issues, and situations quickly.
In the leader she elected she for yearns for;
Executives to execute great plans for her
Solution provider, not complainant
She says before the change mantra If she saw corruption she still sees today
She admires her nation so much she overlooks the corruptions however dreamily
She appreciates and would have yesterday
To some extent, she lived simply
It was a nation she knew, believed in and felt she could dream in!!!
For the uncertainty she faces today,
Every second, minute, hour and day she asks one last question
Where was I before?
Where I'm I now??
And where I'm I headed???