An Evaluation of the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life
Today's advancements in astronomical technology have revealed that the Universe in which mankind resides is significantly larger than previously expected. Notably, numerous planets possess geological features similar to those found on Earth, such as rivers and valleys. These findings are based upon terrestrial images captured by outer space telescopes. The images enable scientists to investigate unprecedented mysteries about this enigmatic universe, leading to a range of hypotheses and theories.
One perspective suggests that life may exist on outer planets in a manner similar to life on Earth, and efforts are still underway to uncover evidence supporting this possibility. While some may envision extraterrestrial life as similar to carbon-based life that forms on Earth, others suggest that alien life forms might be quite different. Science fiction often portrays extraterrestrial life as having its own civilization and history which developed over millions of years. However, such depictions are purely imaginative. Currently, the knowledge and technology available to us are insufficient to prove the existence of human-like extraterrestrial life. Based on previous studies, this essay will argue that extraterrestrial life might exist due to two reasons. Firstly, there are extremophiles that exist on Earth, which prove that perhaps alien life forms could survive in extreme conditions. Moreover, there are many planets that possess geological features that are similar to Earth. This article will further examine the controversies connected to extraterrestrial life, and present an analysis of how related experiments can be done on Earth. It will also dicuss arguments on both sides in order to gain a more holistic view of the article topic--the possibility of extraterrestrial life.
The first key point to consider is that microbial life on Earth can serve as a fundamental model for understanding microbial life on other planets. The original bacteria that emerged on Earth approximately one billion years ago was dependent on carbon dioxide and hydrogen for growth, and it is conceivable that similar bacteria could have existed on outer planets where these conditions were present. Further, as scientists delved deeper into the study of original bacteria, they discovered a type of evolutionarily ancient microorganism known as archaebacteria, which differs from typical bacteria. The article "Extraterrestrial Microbiology" by Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner explains that archaebacteria evolved in isolated and incredibly harsh environments, such as hot springs and thermal vents deep in Earth's subsurface. Originally, other planets may possess hot and oxygen-limited conditions similar to the circumstances where archaebacteria developed.The finding of bacterial life beneath Earth's surface increases the likelihood of existence of extraterrestrial life. Additionally, unlike nowadays typical bacteria, archaebacteria did not require oxygen and organic carbon to grow but instead thrived on hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Planetary bodies such as Mars and Europa possess atmospheres that contain hydrogen and carbon dioxide, making them potentially hospitable environments for archaebacteria. With the evidence provided by the composition of extraterrestrial atmospheres, it becomes more likely that extraterrestrial life is present on outer planets.
Secondly, the growing environment for extraterrestrial microbes may be similar to that of terrestrial microbes. The growing environment includes not only the presence of specific conditions like hydrogen or carbon dioxide but also growing limitations such as lack of oxygen or high salinity, which can impact the evolution of microorganisms. According to NASA, geologic features like sulfidic springs, briny mines, acidic lakes, and permafrost on Mars can also be found on Earth, and this supports the idea that the growing environment for extraterrestrial life may be similar to that of Earth. Furthermore, both Mars and Earth share similar sizes, masses, and orbit periods around the sun, further suggesting that the developing circumstances for extraterrestrial life may be similar to those on Earth. Under this assumption of similarity, archaebacteria which can survive in harsh circumstances on Earth can be further explored to learn more about life forms on extraterrestrial planets. However, it is also possible that the original growing environment on outer solid bodies could be inhospitable to current microorganisms. This knowledge can help scholars to gain a better understanding of extraterrestrial planets.
Additionally, experiments conducted on Earth can provide scientists with valuable insights into the growing environment of microbes and gather relevant data to prove the existence of extraterrestrial microorganisms, based on the second argument of the article. For example, the study by King, Gary M. titled "Carbon Monoxide as a Metabolic Energy Source for Extremely Halophilic Microbes: Implications for Microbial Activity in Mars Regolith" involved experiments conducted in three different systems to determine how factors such as low temperature, high concentration of carbon dioxide, and low concentration of oxygen would impact microbe growth. The researchers found that the microbe relied on carbon monoxide as a metabolic energy source and other environmental conditions had no effect on its evolution. Similarly, by exploring aspects of extraterrestrial life such as growing periods or methods on Earth, biologists can search for relevant conditions on outer planets based on findings from Earth experiments. This approach can help scholars to identify potential habitats for extraterrestrial life and improve the chances of detecting it.
Some may question the coherence of similarities between Earth and other planets. The experiments discussed in the article are only suitable for Terrestrial Planets like Mars rather than planets far away from Earth. Therefore, people begin doubting the applicability of experiments conducted on Earth to outer planets which may not have similar features as Earth. In addition, no exact finding about extraterrestrial life has been reported, so its likelihood deserves a uncertainty. The doubt above is true to a certain extent since it is important to note that modern technology is limited in its ability to support a thorough exploration of planets far from Earth. As a result, the most detailed research is currently limited to nearby planets. Proving the existence of extraterrestrial life is a meticulous task that requires comprehensive consideration of both the biotic and abiotic factors that may affect extraterrestrial life forms. Also, according to the Fermi Paradox, which explains why we have not yet found any traces of outer life, there is a possibility that extraterrestrial civilizations do not exist or have already gone extinct. Despite not being certain of the existence of extraterrestrial life, we have already made great advancement. Compared with people in the past, today people have truly observed similar geological features such as river or mountain on other solid bodies and explored the development of original life on Earth.
Overall, the article aims to prove the possibility of extraterrestrial life in terms of geological, atmospheric, and biological features. From one perspective, the essay argues that microbial life on Earth can serve as a fundamental model for understanding microbial life on other planets. The presence of archaebacteria on Earth demonstrates that extraterrestrial life could survive in extreme conditions. Furthermore, similar geological features that support the development of microbial life have been discovered on other planets, and experiments conducted on Earth provide valuable insights into the development of microbes, further supporting the existence of extraterrestrial life.
However, what should be noticed is that the exact likelihood of extraterrestrial life still remains uncertain. It is due to insufficient technology and complexity of extraterrestrial life. It is still important and necessary to collect data and conduct experiment to further understand the mystery of extraterrestrial life. We should expect that, in the future, our exploration would reach out of Galaxy to fully learn about Universe.
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