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HELP with topic for Children's literature paper (argumentive/research essay)

mcooper 1 / 2  
Jan 27, 2011   #1
Hello all. So I am in english 103-focus on children's literature. We have a gicantic argumentive/research essay that I need a topic for. The topic can be about any children's book, children's book author or series that we would like. However we must "make a claim" about something in the book and support it with a bajillion sources soo I am having a hard time thinking of a strong thesis. I am really starting to freak out and I need some help so if you have some ideas, please shoot them at me!!!


Look at a particular series in children's literature (i.e. the Harry Potter books, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys ets.) Discuss the role of the series in children's literature, making a specific claim (thesis statement) about the series. Support your thesis with evidence from selected books in the sries and outside support.

Discuss the oevre of a favorite or well-known children's literature author such as Judy Blume, Beverley Cleary, Shel Silverstein, Dr. Seuss, etc. Make a claim about the author's work, then prove that claim is true by giving specific examples from his/her work and suppoet from outside source.

I can think of any "claims" my brain is just going dead right now so please hhheelllp!!!
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Jan 29, 2011   #2
"make a claim" about something in the book and support it with a bajillion sources

I'll tell you a great trick. It is not really a trick; it is the right way to do this, and teachers do not always explain it well...

Your claim is meaningless until you are knowledgeable. You aren't knowledgeable until after you write about the articles. The trick is to read one article and write about it.

Then another. Then another. One at a time, it is easy.

When you have written a paragraph about each article's main idea, you will have a bunch of big ideas about the series.

So start by searching your school library database for journal articles. Use the name of the series and search for journal articles, and you will find great reviews and analysis. Are you able to search for journal articles on your school library database?

So, that is the trick. Write about the articles first. Then, make a CLAIM that not everyone would agree with.
nmargio75 1 / 1  
Jan 31, 2011   #3
I agree with Susan. I believe there was a study done on using Shel Silverstein in classrooms, supporting how his style proved to be an easy way for children to learn. But I could be wrong so dont quote me look into it. It sounds like a good topic in terms of visiting your old favorites! Thanks for responding to my post

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