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Research Paper on stress, burnout and depression.

kay2158231 1 / -  
May 22, 2019   #1

Stress, Burnout, & Depression: How it can affect you.

About 20 percent of teens experience depression before they reach adulthood. There's a
difference between having anxiety with taking tests or giving a speech to the public and having an intense worry about everyday situations. Serious anxiety can be an excessive and persistent worry about daily life. Your heart can race, you get panicked, you feel tired, and you have heavybreathing. Easy to say it's not a great feeling. With anxiety, you tend to have a fear of futureevents. Of what's going to happen in the future, you tend to have a fear that something isn't going to work out when it hasn't even happened yet. Stress and burnout are closely similar.People who struggle to work efficiently at work can have a higher risk of burnout. Burnout can leave people exhausted, tired, mentally and physically drained, and even feeling less capable ofdoing your job. With being burnt out, you don't even have to be burnt out from physicallyworking, you can be burnt out even from thinking too much, having too much on your mind,constantly feeling like there's too much on your plate. My research is focused on ways to controlyour stress/burn out, ways you can better yourself and focus on your overall mental health. My research question will focus on ways you can prevent/control your stress/burn out and effective ways you can get better with depression. My thesis statement is that it is possible to get through depression and that you can find effective ways to control your anxiety/stress.

The majority of my sources are from articles/journals and articles on the internet and in online databases. The websites I looked into, were mostly going in detail on different ways to cope with anxiety or depression. Most of the websites I came across (irl:depression. Stress and burn out) were most recent research. Anxiety and stress can be controlled in very different ways. Depression can also be handled in different ways. The difference in the sources were strictly based on different treatments, ways to control your stress/anxiety, different ways burn out affects you and stress relievers. Most of the articles/authors have the same approach on the subjects. Some articles had the same idea of controlling stress/anxiety and depression and ways that burnout can be caused from stress. Some websites like "Stress Overload: Causes and Signs" talks about how stress isn't something that comes on all of a sudden. It can build up over time and can cause anxiety. Stressing too much can make things hard to focus, it distracts your brain,it's the only thing you think of. Some stressful situations can be extreme and can often need care and help.

One website that intrigued me the most was called "Physical effects of Stress on the Body" because it talked about different ways that stress can cause you not only mentally but phiscally as well. In this journal it talks about different ways stress can affect you emotionally and physically. Ways that stress affects you emotionally are becoming easily aggitated, frustrated, moody, or feeling overwhelmed, etc. You can also have a difficult time relaxing your mind and can often have negative thoughts. You feel bad about yourself and can have deep/emotional thoughts that can feel like your brain is eating away at itself. Stress can feel overbearing at times and can make you feel very heavy. Ways that stress can affect you physically is low energy, chest pain, you feel like your heart is racing, frequent colds or infections, dry mouth or difficulty swallowing, or a clenched jaw, etc. Cognitive symptoms you can have from stress is poor judgement, racing thoughts, inability to focus, only seeing the negative side of things,etc.

While looking up articles on this topic, I came across some articles that had things that Ididn't quite understand that way I can look up more on that topic and be able to learn more about it. I came acorss a specific article called "Overstimulated And Overwhelmed: Sensory Overload, Anxiety, And Depression." In this article it talks about different types of overload that can oftenseem overwhelming. Sensory Overload for example is the term used to describe an abundance of stimuli that is intolerable and causes one confusion and/or anxiety. This overstimulation can come from many different things. Overstimulation happens when someone is swamped by experiences, noises, sensations that they can really handle. It happens more in children but overstimulation can also be found in adults. Overstimulation can cause headaches, exhaustion and depression. Overstimulation can also be caused by HSP. HSP is a highly sensitive person if you are a highly sensitive person, sensory overstimulation is something you can deal with your whole life even as an adult. Individuals with autism, introverts, or even those with Sensory Processing disorder all can have more difficulty with overstimulation. You often get stressed and it can be overwhelming.

I can go deeper into the subjects of stress/anxiety leading into depression and ways it can be helped. Ways to cope with things and handle things better in order to have a positive mindset and a healthier lifestyle. I want to find more info. On different ways of thinking of anxiety and what different symptoms of people have with it. How they can be helped and treated whether it'smedication, going to talk to someone like a therapist, or both. People react differently to change,but it's the way you approach the situation and what best fits the person being treated.

What I'm hoping to get out of these articles is to learn myself to cope with anxiety and ways I can help my depression. There may be different ways that it can be helped that I personally haven't tried yet. My goal for that source is to try out those ways to help cope with my anxiety and see if that actually help. My timeline is to try to help people as much as I can and let people know they can reach out to me if they ever want to talk.

I think people who deeply suffer from depression and anxiety are afraid to reach out. I want yong teens/adults to know that they can reach out to me, a loved one, or even a trustedguardian. I know some teens or adults may have the mentality of "that's stupid" or "I don't need help" but people need to know there is no shame in getting the help that you need. Depressionand anxiety can affect people physically but it affects people emotionally as well. In order to be happy you have to try to take care of your brain and your body.

Stress and anxiety getting built up to the point of burn out, is not good. This paper is talking about how when you get burnt out, that can be from stress and anxiety building up.

Depression and anxiety can result in restlessness, troubled thinking, excessive worrying, unexplained physical complaints, agitation, and headaches, etc. Anxiety can be brought up byanything that you do in your daily life. Whether it's paying bills, self-consciousness, realistic fear of a person or object, or complications of a relationship that you have with someone. Stresscan be brought up upon by tests, school, money, simple things in our daily life. Russel's (1980)work has shown that wornout/burnout can represent a combination of physical and emotional exhaustion (Russel). Being too stressed where it brings you anxiety, can lead up to someone being depressed. Some people worry themselves sick to where they start getting physical pain such as headaches, stomach aches, shakiness, worriness. With depression and anxiety you can have fatigue, weight loss/gain, sleep disturbance, aggitation or even thoughts of death. When you get burnt out it can be from many things. Such as working too much, worrying yourself sick, or even having too much going on in your life. There are certain ways you can control your anxietyand depression. And that's something I like knowing about having this disorder because I too canrelate to having these symptoms with anxiety/stress and depression. I personally have dealt with having stress and anxiety and am interested in seeing how stress and anxiety can be helped. Theother audience I'm reaching out to is young teens/adults that have a struggle with anxiety anddepression is knowing that you are not alone and that you can get help. You have family andfriends that love you dearly and don't want to see you hurting.

It is possible to get through depression and that you can find effective ways to control your anxiety/stress. Stress and anxiety can be built up causing depression, but there are many efficient ways to control it and have a healthier/happy mindset. Stressing too much can make things hard to focus, it distracts your brain, it's the only thing you think of. Some stressful situations can be extreme and can often need care and help. Most adults, teens can get a certain disorder with high levels of stress such as PTSD. PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event or natural disaster (Stanford Health News).You get not only mental illness from stress, but physical signs of stress as well such as ways that stress affects you emotionally are becoming easily aggitated, frustrated, moody, or feeling overwhelmed, etc (Web MD). Cognitive symptoms you can have from stress is poor judgement, racing thoughts, inability to focus, only seeing the negative side of things,etc (Your Sunshine). Sensory Overload for example is the term used to describe an abundance of stimuli that is intolerable and causes one confusion and/or anxiety. Overstimulation happens when someone is swamped by experiences, noises, sensations that they can really handle. It happens more in children but overstimulation can also be found in adults (Your Sunshine). Individuals with autism, introverts, or even those with Sensory Processing disorder all can have more difficulty with overstimulation (Meindl, Susan). One type of overstimulation is called Chronic environmental overstimulation. Chronic Environmental Overstimulation can be such as a sensitive child not being able to leave a busy classroom, a child not being able to do simple tasks on their own, an adult who may not be able to work at certain places that get super busy at times because it could be an unpleasant experience for everyone, including themselves.

Stress and anxiety getting built up to the point of burn out, is not good. That leading up to depression is even worse. There are many ways you can treat your depression. If you have depression there are many ways you can get treatment. Different types of treatment are anti- depressents, going to therapy or seeing a counselor, lifestyle changes such as changing the way you eat, going to exercise, going out with friends, etc. Therapy can help you in ways that you talk out your feelings with someone (Saisan, Joanna). Therapists help you cope with things in a different way, in a way that can make your daily life a little easier. Having someone talk to you and guide you with your emotions can actually be better than talking to someone who does know things about you. (Saisan, Joanna). Having someone talk to you (a therapist) about your life can often help you because they can often see a different side of things that you don't see in a situation. There are certain ways you can control your anxiety and depression. Different types of treatment are anti-depressents, going to therapy or seeing a counselor, lifestyle change such as changing the way you eat, going to exercise, going out with friends, etc. Anti-depressants are also another option. Certain anti-depressants such as Xanax, Paxil, Imipramine, Doxepin, etc. These medications can help you relax and hopefully help you get your mind off things that are bothering you or making you feel so down/low.IV. Being wornout/burnout can represent a combination of physical and emotional exhaustion. Being too stressed where it brings you anxiety, can lead up to someone being depressed. Some people worry themselves sick to where they start getting physical pain such as headaches, stomach aches, shakiness, worriness. With depression and anxiety you can have fatigue, weight loss/gain, sleep disturbance, aggitation or even thoughts of death. Such as working too much, worrying yourself sick, or even having too much going on in your life.

Stress can affect you not only emotionally, but physically as well. Ways that stress affects you emotionally are becoming easily aggitated, frustrated, moody, or feeling overwhelmed, etc. You can also have a difficult time relaxing your mind and can often have negative thoughts. You feel bad about yourself and can have deep/emotional thoughts that can feel like your brain is eating away at itself. Stress can feel overbearing at times and can make you feel very heavy. Ways that stress can affect you physically is low energy, chest pain, you feel like your heart is racing, frequent colds or infections, dry mouth or difficulty swallowing, or a clenched jaw, etc. Cognitive symptoms you can have from stress is poor judgement, racing thoughts, inability to focus, only seeing the negative side of things,etc. You can also have a difficult time relaxing your mind and can often have negative thoughts. You feel bad about yourself and can have deep/emotional thoughts that can feel like your brain is eating away at itself. Women are at a higher risk of depression/anxiety. Woman are nearly twice as likely to get depression then men. Some mood changes, depressed feelings, and hormonal things can occur with normal hormonal changes. Hormones in women can be all out of whack causing women to have emotional outbreaks, physical as well as mental changes. Depression can be tagged along with that. Hormonal changes in a woman can often make them feel low and make them develop depression. Women get hormonal fluctuations especially with estrogen and deficient estrogen levels during phases of hormonal imbalance can cause certain levels to decrease and can often cause worsened symptoms of depression. Things that women go through in life can also cause depression such as puberty, premenstrual problems, pregnancy, postpartum depression, perimenopause and menopause, life circumstances and culture and other conditions that occur with depression. Such as anxiety, eating disorders, drug abuse, etc. Women suffer from depression in many different ways.

In conclusion, I am hoping that the audience will take what I said into consideration.People shouldn't be scared of getting help, if you need help, get the help you need in order tolive a happy life. When you take care of your body, your brain, and your mental health you will live such a healthier lifestyle. If you live a healthy lifestyle you become happier and tend to grow from the depressionto be a happy/better person. When you have depression/anxiety it's hard to get out of the mindsetthat "I'll never be happy" or "When will the pain end?", "Why do I constantly feel down?" All these questions that you may ask yourself aren't worth it. Everyone is worth something and ishere for a reason. I personally believe that every person on this earth was put here for a reason.Whether it's to make people smile, to make a difference, to take care of people, to risk theirlives/jobs for saving complete strangers from a tragic event, you are here for a reason.Sometimes we don't know what that reason may be but there is one. It helps cope with youranxiety if you're around someone who has a positive impact in your life because it may makeyou think differently about life. Everyone in this world deserves to be happy and I think everyone should get the help they need and deserve. Not for the people around them, but for themselves.

Three ways I can improve my essay:
1. Try not to repeat myself in certain areas of the essay.
2. Use more complex words
3. Use more complete thoughts
valgal - / 1  
May 22, 2019   #2
Just in the first paragraph, I am noticing grammar errors with the lack of space between words.

With anxiety, you tend to have a fear of futureevents....
similar.People feeling less capable ofdoing your job burnt out from physicallyworking, ways to controlyour stress/burn out,
Maria - / 1096  
May 22, 2019   #3
Hi there!

Seems like you already have a general idea how you can improve your essay. Let's take it from there.

Firstly, being repetitive can hinder you from having more depth and substantive content. A good way to avoid this is through laying out a suitable/concrete outline for you to follow. If you have an outline, you'd evade having repetitive thoughts as you have more space to expound on unexplored topics.

Moreover, I have observed in your essay that you tend to drag sentences. When you aim to have more depth, it does not necessarily mean that you have to over-explain particular concepts. Developing your thoughts from Point A to Point B is not the same as simply repeating thoughts.

For instance, let's revise your first paragraph in accordance to these guidelines:

About twenty percent of teens experience depression before reaching adulthood. Diagnosed anxiety involves persistent worrying in daily activities. Panic attacks, uneasy heart palpitations, crippling exhaustion, and heavy breathing are all physical indicators of this. Having nerve-wrecking thoughts about unprecedented events that seemingly have no concrete cause can be a result of this. That being said, there are similarities between experiencing stress and burnouts. People who struggle to efficiently work have higher risks of burnout. This leaves people exhausted [...]

I suggest that you try to revise the succeeding sentences because it's quite unclear when you merely put it this way. Discuss more in-depth the differentiation between the two concepts. General terms like feeling exhausted should be avoided. Instead, try to go more in-depth.

Best of luck!

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