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Prison privatizations - Maria

maria12 1 / -  
Aug 18, 2023   #1
Maria Ramirez
Eng 102 lesson 11
Joan Snyder
Rio Salado College

Prison privatizations

Private prisons were created in the mid-1980s to house inmates from state and federal facilities. These prisons are operated by small agencies under government contract and must house at least 8% of the total inmate population.Florida had the highest prisoner transfer rate in 2021, receiving 11,712 inmates from other states.In 2019, President Biden signed AB32 to ban all private prisons and detention centers in California, citing concerns over their track record in abuse.

An estimate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security stands at a staggering average of 19,254 individuals and 79% of detainees are held in private facilities.

Harassment attacks against correctional staff were more prevalent in private facilities than public jails, with a minimum of 30% increase(June 6 2022)."The private prison industry profits from imprisonment despite the fact that it deprives people of their freedom, separates families, and drains resources"- The creation of prison privatization aimed to address the issues of overcrowded federal and local jails in the US and to impose punishment on criminals. Private facilities are contracted by the government to ensure more effective management and enhanced security measures.However,criminals have faced abusive health care treatment which has been silent in private prisons.

To begin with, an issue faced in prison privatization is having major overcrowds in local jails around the U.S. According to Agopian 1989 states that overcrowded prisons were noticed in later that the 1970's.Due to the extended length sentences of prisoners which lead multiple complications.A quote stated by Agopian shares that "California has inaugurated a major jail construction program that will provide 14,000 beds, including 3,309 beds to replace substandard housing."Additionally this signalizes that because of the crime levels and longer sentences this has caused a major impact in the private criminal agencies. A secondary issue that has come across private prisons is the length of the sentences. Weybright 2020 describes how the length of sentences increases into a state private prison when there are especially nonviolent crimes that have more leeway in sentencing guidelines(Sep15 2020). "Not all crimes are created equally" explained Galinato, a co-author and professor. Private privatization and Judges play a huge role in how the sentence length is operated for their own benefit. In addition, the scandal known as "Kids for cash" demonstrates how unfair and unfair the system can be and used for their own beneficial outcomes. In contrast ,some of the prisoners have faced discrimination and unjustified health support.In the article by Zoorob 2022, he declares the topic in health care for inmates has drastically been increasing throught out the years. Moreover, Zoorob 2022 explains how many journalists have described many un-seen abuses by the private health care providers in jails. "More than 1,000 people die annually while incarcerated in US jails" by the exposure of abuse(June 6 2022). This signifies and reveals how many incarcerated individuals in the U.S. are imposed to the cruelty of losing their voice and their rights.

In conclusion, in private privatization criminal individuals are exposed to mistreatment from staff, unjustified medical mistreatment, unsanitized food and environmental locations which lead to diseases. This unfairness all occurs with the law, judges, and unfair corporations and a system that sanctions.


Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15208  
Aug 21, 2023   #2
I am unclear when it comes to the actual topic for discussion in this essay. The introduction paragraph is not helpful in presenting the focus of the essay, why it is important to discuss these, and what the purpose of the research paper is. Without these elements introduced at the start, it becomes confusing to continue reading the essay. Most of the essay relies on in-text citations, which does not really do much for the research paper because you are not taking the time to expand on a personal reference point or public opinion discussion that would help with the validity or contradict the validity of the discussion points you decided to highlight.

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