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AMNH Internship Essay

bizkitgirlzc 29 / 2  
May 4, 2007   #1
What do you think?

G. Please write a 250-500 word essay about yourself that addresses the questions listed below. Type your essay on a separate piece of paper and attach it to your application; make sure you put your name at the top of the page.

Why are you a good candidate for an AMNH internship? Why are you interested in the sciences? How will this experience at the Museum help you further your academic and career goals?

____________________________________________________________ _______________

A couple of years ago I came across a phrase that until this very day has stuck with me - "When science finally locates the center of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they're not it." Of course, it wasn't until years later that I came to realize what this quote really meant. And when I did realize what it meant, I knew that I didn't want to be one of those people who believe the world revolves around them. I didn't want ignorance get the best of my ideas. It was then that I saw science as the eye opener I was looking for and that the rest of the world needed.

Since I was very young, I had a connection with science. At home, my mother who worked in molecular biology would teach me basic concepts of biology and chemistry. I was the only kid in my kindergarten class who knew that steak was a protein that macaroni and cheese was carbohydrates with calcium and lipids. While you may think my parents scientifically traumatized me so that I could never see a plate of food the same way again, I wasn't. In fact, I think I was more aware of diet than anyone else. And even though I was the only kid in third grade who actually knew why the sky was blue, I found a sense of security in knowing why things were the way they were. However, when I came across things I didn't understand and which my parents or teachers couldn't answer, I wasn't satisfied with a 'that's just how it is.' And since then, I've clutched on to science to be the thing that will lead me to understand this very interdependent world.

If I were given the opportunity to work in the Museum I know for sure that I would carry that experience with me to college and probably the rest of professional life. I've had experience in working in professional labs and I have also carried out projects with successful result. I believe that I could very well work at the Museum with diligence, with motivation, and with absolute interest. With college decisions just around the corner, I have thought thoroughly that I want to study something interdisciplinary, something that doesn't just specify in one area but something that is connected with other fields. Nature is a working network that is supremely interconnected and I believe that in order to be successful in one thing we must comprehend the things that surround it. If I could work with professionals I'm sure that I could begin to formulate my own ideas for research and the experience would certainly give me a heads up in my own academic and career studies.

In what I must say what seems like weaknesses in my application - such as the lack of classes I've taken - I must truthfully say that I regret not having had enough curiosity in my former years to have searched out these classes on my own, however, I strongly believe that my enthusiasm and my background in the sciences will make up for what I have missed. I truly believe that I could be a very good candidate for the AMNH High School Internship Program and that this could not only help me in the academic sense but help me in experience science first hand rather than having to see it through teachers and books. I'm sure that in this program I could be a part of science rather than seeing it as an outsider.

EF_Team2 1 / 1703  
May 4, 2007   #2

I think you've written a very good essay! There are just a couple of suggestions I would make.

A couple of years ago...Of course, it wasn't until years later - This jumps out as a contradiction. Rather than saying "a couple of years ago" it might be better just to say "Years ago."

If I were given the opportunity to work in the Museum I know [I'd delete "for sure"] that I would carry that experience with me to college and probably the rest of my professional life.

The following sentence is too long and perhaps not as flattering to you as it could be. You can be honest and still keep yourself in a good light:

"In what I must say what seems like weaknesses in my application - such as the lack of classes I've taken - I must truthfully say that I regret not having had enough curiosity in my former years to have searched out these classes on my own, however, I strongly believe that my enthusiasm and my background in the sciences will make up for what I have missed."

I'd change it to read something like this: "Although it might seem that my application shows a weakness because of my not having taking enough science courses, I strongly believe that my enthusiasm and my background in the sciences will make up for what I have missed."

Best of luck with your application!


Sarah, EssayForum.com

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