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How your choice of degree will empower you to pursue a career that addresses issues in your country?

rev2017 1 / -  
Nov 4, 2017   #1
QN. We want to ensure that your studies at this University benefit you and your community in the future. Tell us how your choice of degree will empower you to pursue a career that addresses any issues in your country.

effectiveness and sustainability of agri-food systems

Food in-security remains an essentially rural phenomenon. Despite rapid urbanisation, the population in rural areas has also continued to increase in absolute terms. A special feature of African agriculture in comparison to the rest of the world is that the sector has continued to absorb a large proportion of the working population, and will have to continue doing so, since a very large number of we young people will be entering the labour market.

By 2025, it is estimated that 330 million young Africans will have entered the labour market, due to limited opportunities for finding jobs in cities. Having this in mind, I choose BSc Agricultural Science (Global Agriculture & Food Security) in order to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of agri-food systems and hence tackling the challenges of global population growth, urbanisation, food and environmental security as well as diet and health problems within my community.

rumihumaira 4 / 12  
Nov 4, 2017   #2
First, is there any word limit for the essay? because this is a bit too short, I think you can share more stories. Check the word limit. If it is 500-1000 words, well, maximize it :)

You can tell more about your previous experiences, your longer term career goal (give examples would be good). Make it personal and show off your strengths. You have the potential here, you just need to continue writing
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15189  
Nov 4, 2017   #3
@rev2017 Since the focus of your opening sentence, the topic sentence, is food insecurity (non in-security), then you should explain your personal interest in that subject. In the essay, you start with food insecurity then somehow end up discussing the employment possibilities in your country. You went off track. Just target the development of your interest in food insecurity and how it relates to your desire to pursue a degree in BS Agricultural Science. Don't focus on your country alone, talk about the worldwide impending food shortage instead and how it will affect all countries, not just yours. That way you depict yourself as a self-less person who wants to help change the world instead of only wanting to save your own country. You should have enough word allotment in the essay to do that. Normally, essays like these have a 300 word minimum. If not, then you can adjust your current essay to accommodate the changes that need to be done to the presentation.

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