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Erasmus Mundus Letter of Motivationon Information Technologies for Business Intelligence

Ishaqur 5 / 13  
Nov 23, 2015   #1
The other Erasmus Mundus Statement of Purpose was on Strategic Project Management. I am applying to three programs in total. This is the second one. It stated that I need to upload a cover letter instead of a statement of purpose which was wanted in the Strategic Project Management degree. I treated them the same way as it would be incredibly difficult to put an SOP into a cover letter format with less words.

"A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers." -Plato

Nearly 2400 years ago, the Greek philosopher, Plato, was able to adeptly define how decisions ought to be made. The world of today is dependent on information to a large extent. The progress and sustainability of large institution as well as society as a whole, depend on the collection, organization, analysis and interpretation of information. Many organizations lack the capability of representing data in the form of meaningful information. As someone whose entire professional and academic career has been built upon generating knowledge from information, I intend on pursuing a career focused on being the bridge between information and knowledge on an international platform.

Back in 2013, I started my professional career at Lamudi Bangladesh, a concern of the international organization, Rocket Internet. Although I started off as a content executive, exhibiting exceptional performance ensured that I become the Head of Content and Communications within the first two months. At Lamudi, a lot of my time was devoted towards gathering data through Google analytics, analyzing the data and transforming them into tools that could be used for strategy formulation. Monitoring site traffic, visitors, responses, client demands, performing competitor analysis and various other factors were utilized as catalysts to help surmise future trends leading to decisions for the successful sustenance and evolution of the business. The year I spent as a part of Lamudi Bangladesh helped develop and capacitate me to seek a career in business development.

Business development, as I learned and am still learning from my professional career, is reliant heavily upon the interpretation of information. However I also learned that business development and sustenance relies upon several other factors namely proper management of various business processes, business modelling as well as surmising the viability of a project among others. Furthermore high efficacy in communication and representation of data were essential to ensure that the masses can comprehend your approach. I worked as a Senior Business Development Executive, leading the Business Development sector of a multinational IT firm, Synesis IT, for six months during which tenure I learned how to design and implement various business processes. And although I stumbled and faltered at the beginning, through apt research and information organization, I was able to devise effective solutions and in the process, make key decisions that would lead to better development of projects. One of the biggest projects that I designed and helped implement would be a National Telehealth Resource Center. The knowledge and skillset gained through this tenure proved to be very helpful when I joined Dnet, a multinational social enterprise and solutions developer as the Business Development Manager, where I have been working for the past 6 months. My project proposals now carried a greater deal of efficacy as I learned how to organize information in a more intelligible way and be more analytical in my formulation of business models and strategies. However I realized that I do lack exposure to substantial international platforms both academically and professionally.

After thoroughly studying the different aspects of and the various avenues that Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme in Information Technologies for Business Intelligence i.e. IT4BI programme has to offer, I have to come to believe that it provides the most reliable solution to the dilemma I am suffering from and can ultimately help me in achieving my goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur of my own international organization. The programme will help guide me in various fields ranging from analytics to data mining, web services to big data, software engineering to decision modeling and most importantly, innovation and entrepreneurship. I admire how the programme emphasizes focus on decision engineering as one of the core specialization, a domain that must be explored to help in continuous improvement of organizations. Having studied in Computer Science and Engineering, I have never hesitated to indulge in other forms of avenues to practice decision engineering. My stints as a Team Leader at AIESEC, a National Debater at the Debate Club as well as the Chief Editor of the University Newspaper have all tasked me to take only informed decisions. Furthermore, acting as an undergraduate teaching assistant for two years since my Junior year, I had to make many informed academic decisions regarding grading assignments and quizzes of students. Being the pioneer in covering the various scientific and technological fields supporting Business Intelligence systems in Europe, the IT4BI programme therefore offers the best possible avenue for me to learn Business Intelligence and decision engineering thereby creating my own identity on a global platform.

Though I have a propensity for information, it stems from harsh lessons I suffered during my academic career primarily. During my Junior year, I received two Cs because I was unable to properly organize the information I had in my hand. I was, however, able to bounce back from this momentary setback in spite of a rigorous work schedule, working thirty hours a week as an undergraduate teaching assistant for the Engineering and the English department. I graduated within the top four students out of class of 53 graduating students within my department and my thesis played a large role in it.

My Senior Year research was on the "Automation of a Cafeteria and multiple processes in a University through Near Field Communication (NFC)." I was able to adopt my own perspective on innovation which is in lieu with the approach of the degree which is "Innovation through Research." My approach was well applauded by my peers, as I took into account both the information on consumer demands and similar work done previously, and I was able to add more features to the research to ensure it would be applicable in most universities in the world. I realized though, that I require a greater level of understanding to actually conduct and publish an original research that could contribute to the wider field of study. As the Masters Thesis for the IT4BI programme is done through placement in the industry or through an internship, a hands-on, practical approach coupled with the theoretical knowledge gained, I believe would provide the best option for me to follow if I want to learn and use my knowledge at the same time.

Finally, through exposure to world class institutes namely, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université François Rabelais Tours, Ecole Centrale Paris, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and Technische Universität Berlin, residing in Belgium, France, Spain, and Germany, provides me with the chance to attain knowledge from various cultures, environments, people and Europe as a whole. Integrating these personal experiences with the quality of education received from leading professors and the vast network provided by partner organizations and the program itself, as well as an advanced curriculum could capacitate me to fulfill my dreams. I would like to reaffirm my belief that a Master's degree in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme in Information Technologies for Business Intelligence is a vital part of my future plans of becoming a successful entrepreneur through use of the knowledge to make informed decisions. And although the journey ahead will be rough, I believe I possess the necessary skills and perseverance to adapt and thrive, to evolve just as the world is. I am sure I will prove myself to be a worthy candidate if the privilege to pursue this Master's program in your universities is bestowed upon me.

Again I tried following a similar format to the Strategic Project Management essay (which I am in the process of fixing) but this seems way too verbose.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Nov 23, 2015   #2
Ishaqur, this is definitely, as you put it "too verbose". The reason it became that way is because you did not even try to write a simple cover letter. You decided to write a personal statement, statement of purpose, and academic purpose all in one. That is not what you have to include in the cover letter. As the term self explains, it is a "cover letter" or a letter that accompanies your application documents. Have you ever had to apply for a job? Remember how you have to attach an introductory letter to your CV when you submit it to the HR of a company? Well, the cover letter of your student application is similar to that.

The difference between your professional cover letter and your student cover letter is simply within the content of the said letter. A professional cover letter asks you to list, in bullet points, your best traits and qualities as worker, along with an overview of your essential office skills. When you write a student cover letter, you still have to discuss your qualities and essential traits. Only this time, as a student. So, what should be included in those bullet points?

Mention the following in your cover letter:
1. Your name
2. The course you intent to enroll in
3. The reasons you want to enroll in this particular masters degree
4. An invitation to review your application documentation for further information regarding your application.
5. Inform the reader of your interest to have a formal interview with him at his most convenient time

Treat the cover letter the same way that you would treat a professional cover letter. Don't submit a 2 page letter, that will be overkill. A simple 3-5 paragraph letter will accomplish the task. Remember, you are merely introducing yourself as a student applicant. Don't go overboard by trying to present all your application requirements in one blow. That would render your essay applications useless and make the reviewer feel too overwhelmed to even continue reading your application packet.

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