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Growing up abroad helped me build a good network. Networking skills essay for Chevening

Aysha13 4 / 6  
Oct 30, 2016   #1
Chevening is looking for individuals with strong networking skills, who will engage ....

Being born and bought up in Saudi Arabia, then moving to India my home land in 2011 was a tremendous adjustment on my part. One of the advantages of growing up abroad that it helped me build a good network. Since Saudi Arabia has a large population of expats from all around the world, I grew up in a multi ethnic society. Connecting with people from different countries and culture, building and enduring mutually beneficial relationships enhanced my networking skills.

Professional networking and good communication skills plays an integral part in a physician's life. I learned its value when I started working as a general physician here in Lucknow, India. Once I had a patient who was assigned for a gall bladder removal surgery. He was working in Saudi Arabia and was back to homeland for his annual leave, which was due to an end in two days. Worried about how to proceed with his operation when he has to travel the next day and since his diagnosis was made late he did not have time to extend his vacation. That time I remembered one of my colleagues from Saudi Arabia, who happens to be a surgical resident now in one of the well-known hospitals there. I explained to the patient that if he agrees I would contact and request her to handle his case and guide him to the best and most affordable hospital for his surgery over there. Since the patient was delighted and ready for the opportunity, I made the call did the necessary arrangements and helped the patient receive his surgery in Saudi Arabia while I remain here in India. This was only made possible through networking skills.

I believe networking in my field is of crucial importance as meeting doctors from all around the world and from different specialities and backgrounds could be an essential step in climbing the career ladder as well as providing a holistic patient care. I'm highly committed in making and maintaining new connections by reaching out to people introducing myself and exchanging contacts for professional or personal interests usually through seminars, conferences and medical events.

Chevening scholarship would give me the perfect opportunity to expand and enrich my network through meeting other aspiring scholars and sharing our experiences together. It will be a privilege being part of the vibrant Chevening community to benefit and motivate each other towards reaching our goals and building a better future for our countries.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Oct 30, 2016   #2
Aysha, there is no problem with the length of your essay. It is really informative and shows that you already have an existing network that can help not only you, but the others who need your help as well. That is the target objective of a typical Chevening scholar. So you really did well in that aspect. However, there is a still a problem with your presentation. When you offer information this specific to your networking skills, you need to mention the name of the doctor and the hospital he is attached do for the purpose of fact checking. Keep in mind that any and all information you provide in your essay needs to be accurate and truthful. So you actually need to mention the specifics in this instance. Don't worry though, the mention of the information will serve to strengthen the essay. Just make sure that the doctor knows you are mentioning him as a reference in your essay. Just in case the reviewer wants to double check your credentials.

If you are uncomfortable giving that information in your essay, or if you do not have permission to do so, then you still have time to change the content of your essay. The final choice regarding content is all yours.
OP Aysha13 4 / 6  
Oct 30, 2016   #3
hi holt, thanks for pointing that out. i agree maybe its a very specific example of my networking skills. although i believe this was the most strongest example i had but mentioning the name of my colleague doesn't really seems possible. and even if i take her permission and mention her name do u think its enough for authentication purposes?

for now i have changed the content of my essay and wrote other examples of networking, please let me know if they are good enough or should i stick to my original example and contact my colleague for permission?
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Oct 31, 2016   #4
Aysha, regardless of which essay version you use, there is still a need to mention specific names. I already explained the reasons why in my posting in this thread previous to this one. Both of your examples of networking are tremendously strong and effective. You are only held back by the mention of names for verification purposes. Is there a problem with securing their permission to use their actual names? Of course the dates of these meetings will also help the reviewer verify the data should the need arise. You don't need a specific date, the month alone will do in most instances. Since you are in the field of medicine, you know that the networks created in this field are difficult to create and even harder to maintain. The fact that you were able to maintain these contacts is something you should be proud of. Yes, seek the permission of those concerned. You absolutely need their names for the purposes of your essay. It could be seen as a recommendation on their part to have allowed you to use their names. So the act could definitely help your application in a certain way.

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