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All influential people may be a leader, but not all leaders are influential - leadership statement

marvi 1 / 1  
Nov 8, 2016   #1
please help me now, I know too late but please review it for a once

What to do now? Professor only gave us a week to organize and manage an cultural event at university as part of classroom group assignment otherwise we will lose our marks, I don't think so we can make it within this time period, we will lose definitely"

That was the horrifying lines of my friend who was my group member too, we were enrolled in leadership and motivation course and that was an assignment given to us by our professor to organize and manage a cultural event. We were 11 members in the group and definitely it was challenging task to organize and manage such event in the university and make it successful too.

I gather my whole group and said only one line, I know it's quite difficult to manage this event within short period of time because we don't have working plan, budget, an idea to start or anything but yes all we have is courage and motivation to get our reward, if we are not going to accepting this challenge we will be remain at zero point as we are at now, and that our fears who are controlling us and reminding us that we will lose. What I strongly believe believes in all of you and I must say "Let's Try".

My group members got agreed to work on that assignment with their full zeal and zest and leave the rest on the fate. We started working on and I as a group leader I was suppose to prepare whole event plan that consists of financing, organizing that includes opening to closing ,leading, monitoring and controlling. The first thing I did was finding out the best fit for the job in my group such as if someone is good in marketing I gave him task to advertise our event in social media to sell our tickets, The biggest issue was financing or any sponsorship for our event because it Was difficult to get funding within, limited time period as all sponsorship companies have their procure and rules regulation to fund any university event. In this regard, I choose four members from my group who have sound financial background and give them a task to find out in their social networking circle, a representative of any bank or institute or company that may give us a favor and help us out. Also, I assign other tasks to remaining group member such as getting rates of tents, decoration etc.

We were running short of short and still we did not got any sponsorship, I called many companies as well to fund us but all were saying it's a closing months sorry we can't help you out. At that time, I was losing hope and thinking that perhaps I am not good as a leader ,its me who are not influencing anymore but I took control on my nerves when my father said to me" you are belonging from a landlord background, how can't you lead better?".

I still remember, just three days was remaining and finally we came with a bank who got agreed to sponsor us. The event went successful and leaves remarkable memories. in conclusion, I may say it was best example I can quoted, where I showed my leadership qualities and learned that all the influential people may be a leader but all the leader can't be a influential one

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15168  
Nov 9, 2016   #2
Marvi, how can I put this softly? Your leadership essay is quite lightweight and very limited in leadership scope for it to be competitive in the application system for a Chevening scholarship. The prompt for this essay requires leadership in a professional, not academic sense. That is because the professional leadership presentation shows your ability to lead under pressure, with limited resources, and / or , a obstacle to overcome.

There is very little description in this essay that would truly prove your ability to be a strong and influential leader because the job requirement of an academic leader lies mostly in the way that a student can delegate jobs to his group members. It does not really require an in-depth influential skill because, let's say, the team members refused to acknowledge your leadership or they had some issues that prevented the group from accomplishing a common goal.

If you have not submitted your application yet, I suggest that you try to find a more professional experience to speak of. One that will truly exemplify your leadership and influencing activities. In place of professional experience, if you don't have any to speak of, try to format one of your civic activities in response to the prompt. The reviewer will gladly accept a civic activity in place of a professional experience presentation.
OP marvi 1 / 1  
Nov 10, 2016   #3
Thanks a lot Holt,I will try my best to follow your advice, I have not applied yet, but I am writing to improve my application and make it competitive one. I will send you soon another improved draft,please check it as well.

Lots of thanks.


Home / Scholarship / All influential people may be a leader, but not all leaders are influential - leadership statement
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