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Int'l Economics, Finance and Development - SOP for XXX Scholarships (500words essay)

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Apr 30, 2012   #1
The promise of a unique international experience replete with academic activities, high quality course work and research are the factors which have motivated me to apply for the XXX Scholarship to study my interest in International Economics, Finance and Development at the University of XXX. This return to academic study was borne out of my desire to extend my professional development and also learn how to solve many of the numerous economic problems facing XXX from international business and trade activities through international development economics and finance.

With XXX's cocoa production at over one million metric tons annually and oil production of 70, 000 to 80,000 barrels per day (bopd), achieving the Millennium Development Goal 8A on Developing further an open, rule-based, predictable non discriminatory trading and financial system extends to the efficient management of these resources to develop and implement strategies for decent and productive work and job opportunities for the citizenry of XXX. The management of these resources through effective international trade and financial systems to give maximum benefit to XXX will form the bulk of my work when I return to XXX on the completion of my studies.

I plan to utilize the knowledge gained from my studies in developing strong international economic trade and financial policies and strategies which can be adapted by government to enable XXX manage her natural resources especially its newly discovered oil and gas resource to achieve sustainable economic growth and development. I will also participate in advising Industries, Government, International Business Organizations and Development Agencies on economic trade and financial development, especially in the areas of trade, finance, waste management, sustainable energy and environmental policies, new technologies especially information and communication technologies; helping them strike a balance between the reality of human needs and sustainable economic and financial development.

My resolute intention for future is to become a development economic and financial consultant, and a research professional at an academic or commercial, research-oriented organization in the area of development economics and finance. Clearly, being skillful in both areas simultaneously is far from being called an easy job and in addition to a huge amount of effort and devotion, requires the opportunity to pursue further studies and training. I do believe that these are exactly the factors that make me interested in the XXX Scholarships to be an ideal opportunity for my graduate program in International Economics, Finance and Development.

All in all, I would like to add that opportunity from your funding will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be grateful if I am given the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with financial assistance from your program and am sure that this decision will be paid back. For my final words, I would like to emphasize that I am fully aware that a career in research and academics requires a high level of intelligence, unwavering dedication and a lot of devotion and I am confident that I would meet all the above challenges.

Thank you.

EF_Susan - / 2316  
May 2, 2012   #2
You may want to simplify your opening statement, using the rest of whatever information you withheld for the following sentence. It's very important to have a strong opener.

...My resolute intention for the future is to become a developmental economic and financial consultant, and a research professional at an academic or commercial, research-oriented organization in the area of development economics and financethe area I put a line through is unnecessary since you already mentioned it in the same sentence:)

Nice work. I think the closing statement is perfect and I would only further suggest that you remain mindful of run-on sentences.
Good luck and have fun in school!
OP FLEXOO 1 / 1  
May 3, 2012   #3
Thank you very much Susan for your time. God bless you.

Home / Scholarship / Int'l Economics, Finance and Development - SOP for XXX Scholarships (500words essay)
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