Nottingham Trent university (business administration)
At the outset I would like to explain why I chose this university and given the feeling that he could realize my dream to study business administration from the prestigious university in a great country like Britain, where I always try to be able to study business administration curriculum in order to develop my skills in my career .
so I wish I could find an opportunity that enables me to find the opportunity to realize my dream to change the old concept meaning of Business administration in the organization.
and i believe that the study of business management covering many practical aspects such as finances, management, marketing, human resources and accounting
So I see that it is necessary to study the masters, where I had studied all former university materials mentioned.
In my career I have been work in financial affairs and administrative affairs and to participate in the preparation of the budget and prepare staff wages and Participation in the decision.
-Bangor university ( accounting and finance) :
i believe that it is the challenge that always i was looking for to complete my studies for accounting and finances and that of the reality of my studies in that specialization where I finished undergraduate majoring in accounting and business administration .
I've got training at an accounting office on Preparing trial balances monthly and annual, Participation in the budget and final accounts and cash flows preparation .
After that i have been work in the Egyptian ambulance organization it had been assigned to carry out acts of budget official besides my current work I've got that to develop my skills in finance and accounting.
So I would like to improve my skills and gain more experience in the accounting and financial field so I can participate in changing the old perspective in my career. where I have no doubt that after the end of the grant will help a lot in the upliftment of the organization that I work.
-Manchester metropolitan university ( Human resource management )
I have chosen that course to help me to develop my career in HR management.
because i think i should re-train and re-focus my career.
i hope to become an Associate professional member.
Since the nature of my work is Head of the Personnel Affairs in the Egyptian Ambulance organization and Due to change the name of Personnel Management in the new law to become Human resources management.
So I would like to do the development of scientific and practical skills in the field of specialist in order to be the first person will apply the true meaning of human resource management in any government institution so it is not just a modification of the labeled and not intellectual content management where I always I notice a big difference between human resources management perspective in the public sector and the private sector.
it is necessary the advancement of management perspective in all government institutions.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Saby, please tell me that you are not considering this essay as a final format for submission. It is nowhere near ready. You don't have an opening statement that explains your past academic and professional experience in relation to the courses you have chosen. You have not indicated how studying in the UK will benefit you once you return to your home country by participating in and sharing the programs that the UK support in your country. There is no consistency in the writing. You are supposed to be writing an essay with bullet points to refer to the university name or course description. You are not supposed to use bullets to explain the reasons why you are considering enrolling in this course. Tell you what, revise the work to look more like an essay. Review the examples at this forum and try to emulate their presentation style, but not the content. The content is something that should be unique and original to you.
Fortunately I got that chance to present myself for an international scholarship as chevening to meeting interesting people and savoring various cultures and to develop my potential while i will enjoy a full social life.
Chevening will help me fulfill my dream of studying master's degree in professional and academic university.
So I would like to review the three universities and courses those i have selected from among a lot of prestigious universities:
Nottingham Trent University (Business administration)
At the outset I would like to explain why I chose this university and given the feeling that it could realize my dream to study business administration from the prestigious university in a great country like Britain, where I always try to be able to study business administration curriculum in order to develop my skills in my career.
In my career I have been work in financial affairs and administrative affairs and to participate in the preparation of the budget and prepare staff wages and Participation in the decision.
After back I wish to change the old concept meaning of Business administration in the organization that I work.
So I see that it is necessary to study the masters where I had studied all former university materials mentioned.
Bangor University (accounting and finance)
I believe that it is the challenge that always i was looking for to complete my studies for accounting and finances and that of the reality of my studies in that specialization where I finished undergraduate majoring in accounting and business administration.
From the reality of my career, studying and training I got it in field of accounting and finances.
I would like to improve my skills and gain more experience in the accounting and financial field so I can participate in changing the old perspective in my career. Where I have no doubt that after the end of the grant will help a lot in the upliftment of the organization that I work. Knowing that i had been assigned to carry out acts of budget official besides my current work I've got that to develop my skills in finance and accounting.
1. Manchester metropolitan university ( Human resource management)
I have chosen that course to help me to develop my career in HR management.
Because i think i should re-train and re-focus my career, I hope to become an Associate professional member.
Since the nature of my work is Head of the Personnel Affairs and Due to change the name of Personnel Management in the new law to become a human resources management.
After back I would like to do the development of scientific and practical skills in the field of specialist in order to be the first person will apply the true meaning of human resource management in any government institution so it is not just a modification of the labeled and not intellectual content management where I always I notice a big difference between human resources management perspective in the public sector and the private sector.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Sabry, be consistent in your formatting, either you use bullet points, numbering tags, or essay paragraph formats to discuss the universities and the course choices. You cannot mix up the formats in your final presentation. Pick the most effective one and stick to it. I have also asked you to refer to the current contributions that the UK have made in your country in relation to your chosen profession. This is supposed to show the importance of why you wish to study in the UK. There is still no reference to that partnership between your country and the UK. Try to improve on that aspect and remove the discussion about your career upon your return to your country. That is best saved for the post study career plan discussion. Just present a simple closing statement about the relevance of the relationship of the UK and your country through the course you are studying instead.
I have a question about my chevening application
Something I don't understand
You have listed three UK university courses that you wish to attend in order of preference. If you receive a Chevening award it is expected that you will attend the first choice course that you have stated, once it has been approved by your local British Embassy or High Commission.
You may update the Chevening programme on the status of each of your university applications below.
So I have listed 3 courses from different universities and now they ask me if I Have already applied to this course?
And the choices is
Yes I have a conditional offer, yes I have unconditional offer, yes I have applied abd I am waiting a decision and No,
It's my first time I apply for these courses by chevening so it is means
Yes I have applied and I'm waiting a decision or No
Thank you for your interest
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Sabrina, I am not sure about what you are trying to ask me here. I understand that the Chevening scholarship does consider your application regardless of whether you have admission to a university already or not. They are asking you to explain the types of admission to the university that you have been offered. This will help them in deciding which university they will be approving for your attendance. Do you have any admissions in order for the universities you mentioned? If you do, then respond yes to each question that is applicable to your application. Inform them of which university has given you and unconditional acceptance. That is your priority course and university. The conditional acceptances should be your second and third choices. You should only update the information your application if you already have some sort of acceptance pending at any of the universities you have chosen. If you don't have any acceptance yet, then don't respond to that portion of the application. Leave that in the hands of the scholarship committee for a final decision.
So it's not a problem to choose No?
Because I don't have any acceptance conditional or not.?like I said it is my first time to apply these courses when I choosed on my chevening application
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 No, it should not be a problem. However, you should make sure that you have already applied to these universities and are awaiting their decision regarding your acceptance. Once you hear from them regarding your application for admission, you should then go to the Chevening site and make sure to update your information regarding your masters degree course acceptance status. You can update your information anytime. That is a requirement. Remember, the scholarship needs to know that you have been accepted to a university before your application can go any further. It will help if you can tell them that you have gained acceptance into your first choice school at the very least. I hope you have applied for the schools already. The decision regarding your admission is imperative to your scholarship application. I wish you the best of luck getting into your school of first choice.
Thanks for your interest
But really I don't understand what can I do with that question
Like I told you this is first time to apply to these courses
So I have to answer on all of them by No? Or choose I have applied and I'm waiting a decision? And if I will choose second one I have to choose same with all courses or just one?
Please I'm waiting your response and thanks a lot
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15585 Sabrina, you do know that you can save your application form for further updating in the future right? So basically, you have the choice of giving an immediate response in the negative at this time or, you can wait a bit to answer that question until you get acceptance from the universities. You see, while you can apply for Chevening without having any university in mind, meaning you only have an idea of the course or courses you might consider studying, the reality is that your application requires that you have university choices to indicate along with the courses. If you opt for the second option and tell them that you have applied and are awaiting a decision, you will still need to indicate 3 courses and 3 universities in order to complete the form. As for which response will be the correct one or the best for you, that will depend upon you. Whichever response you are comfortable giving will be the right response for you. Unfortunately, I cannot make that decision for you.