I have been informed to make a 3 minute speech on Myself,but I don't have enough phrases..
Could someone help me with this?..
Eg:I'm a boy with lot of faith in God...
I would suggest imagining you are meeting a stranger one-on-one for the first time (example: a classmate) and just introduce yourself. Talk about yourself, your family, interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes, in a natural manner. What would connect you to your audience? If these are classmates, then talk about school-related activities, clubs, music that you are a part of. Do you have an opinion on US foreign policy or global warming? Talk about that, too.
Good luck,
It sounds like you are having trouble because you do not know enough English yet. English is a hard language to learn! I hope we can help you...
I like Theresa's ideas. Are you able to understand what she means? I'll give you some sentence starters.
I am a boy with a lot of faith in God.
I am a student who enjoys _______________.
I come from a family that has ______________ .
I have visited several places, including ___________, __________, and __________.
My plans for the future include _________________.
In recent months, I especially enjoy ____________.
Try to complete those sentences as a way of getting started.
I'm glad you are participating here!
Thank you so much...
Really appreciate it...
*Something special about myself* (speech ideas)
Can anyone give me some idea on how to write a speech with the topic "Something special about myself"??
Thanks you!! :))
first google this: how to write a speech
Is the teacher asking you to follow a particular procedure?
If you are giving a speech, keep the audience in mind. What will win their interest? What topic?
You have to make a connection between what is special about you and what is special about the occasion, audience, or situation.
i noe hw 2 write speech ibt my teacher told me 2 write factual discription on yourself
what is your hobby?
what do you like to do?
how do other people think of you?
how are you different from others?