This is my Yale supplement response. It needs to be shortened a little bit, but any response would be appreciated! Thanks!
What in particular about Yale has influenced your decision to apply? (500 characters)
When I visited Yale, I first fell in love with the Hogwarts castle-esque architecture of the Yale housing colleges. It was everything I dreamt about when I devoured the Harry Potter series as a younger kid. Then, when I visited the library and academic buildings, I found myself loving a different part of Yale. I could feel a sense of accomplishment and simply an overwhelming amount of knowledge and greatness in those buildings and those who walked through them. I could see that the students of Yale walked with stride, filled with purpose and ambition to achieve greatness. It was inspiring and refreshing to see such passion, and I hope to one day start my journey to adulthood at a place like a Yale.
What in particular about Yale has influenced your decision to apply? (500 characters)
When I visited Yale, I first fell in love with the Hogwarts castle-esque architecture of the Yale housing colleges. It was everything I dreamt about when I devoured the Harry Potter series as a younger kid. Then, when I visited the library and academic buildings, I found myself loving a different part of Yale. I could feel a sense of accomplishment and simply an overwhelming amount of knowledge and greatness in those buildings and those who walked through them. I could see that the students of Yale walked with stride, filled with purpose and ambition to achieve greatness. It was inspiring and refreshing to see such passion, and I hope to one day start my journey to adulthood at a place like a Yale.