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Application Essay 2, Challenged faces and Avid learning; University Singers

timmy0110 3 / 3  
Mar 28, 2014   #1
In your opinion, what defines avid learning? Cite two examples from either inside or outside of the classroom where you have challenged yourself academically?
Learning is more than just numbers, grades, and GPA. It is the shaping of becoming cognizant of life and being able to properly respond to circumstances encountered. Avid, defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit," is a positive attitude towards learning and broadening the horizon of knowledge such that the determination and desire to improve and grow is illimitable. Avid learning is the passionate determination to improve, grow, and go beyond limits in the pursuit of becoming a more versatile individual and never give up. When the school was chartered, President Thomas Jefferson mentioned that "this institution will be based on the illimitable freedom of the human mind." On the basis of this ideology, as I began to pursue academia at the University, I have given myself a path, one that is full of challenges and adversities, to reach my goals.

The very first semester at the University, though many other people took it as a transition to ease into the rigorous academia of college, was my chance to challenge myself in all aspects. From academia to time management, my ability was tested in every which way imaginable. Some may say it was deranged to begin college with a heavy course load of nineteen credit hours while participating in research in the medical school, but I gained awareness of my strengths and weaknesses. Although the semester yielded a disastrous result of a 3.0 G.P.A, the test I placed in front of me served as a stepping stone in my pursuit of knowledge as I became judicious of the adjustments to formulate and employ in order to flourish in the endless ocean of knowledge. Accelerated Chemistry Laboratory was a class that I was challenged the most. Despite having one of the best understanding and grades in the Accelerated Chemistry class and laboratory experiences in the field of medicine, I was not able to translate those skills into the Chemistry Laboratory. Through the struggles, I learned to make adjustments and to not reply solely on my experiences. Learning is to gain more knowledge, instead of using old experiences to try to get through.

"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." This was a simple idea that Prime Minister Winston Churchill mentioned as only those who rose back up from the ashes and never stopped trying have the chance at succeeding. However, it was quite difficult to grasp the idea as I have never fallen before. I have always prided myself in being the singer that makes people around me better, yet after a number of a capella auditions, I was not even capable of securing a spot in any groups. Though that may seem to be one of the slightest troubles, the disappointment shook my confident and questioned my skills. Through all these doubts and questions, I never stopped believing. Maybe there were questions asking if I am capable of performing at a high level, maybe there were doubts about my abilities and whether those abilities actually existed. Battling all the uncertainties, I have learned to shield myself from the negative emotional drains of failures and utilized them as encouragements so that I can rise back up stronger and better, while never stopped seeking opportunities to ameliorate. With the newly found source of motivation, I became a part of the internationally renowned choral ensemble, University Singers of the University.

The desire to exceed in the search for knowledge, the determination to seek for opportunities to grow, and the enthusiasm in the process of learning, are the fundamental ideology of the meaning of avid learning in an institution founded upon the beliefs on the human mind as well as its ability to progress beyond limits. I have been tested and challenged on a daily basis, whether it was inside or outside of a classroom setting, so that I could benefit the most out of the four years at the University. Indeed failures were painful and defeats were dreadful, but the greatest legacy of those who succeed was not in never failing, but in rising up every time they were defeated.

Thanks for the help!! Feel free to rip this apart!!
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
Mar 28, 2014   #2
It is the shaping of becoming cognizant of life and being able to properly respond to circumstances encountered.

It is the shaping and molding of a person to be cognizant of life in order to properly respond to varying challenges and circumstances he or she would encounter.

The very first semester at the University, though many other peoplestudents took it as a transition to easeadapt tointo the rigorous academia of college, was my chance to challenge myself in all aspects. From academia to time management, my ability was tested in every whichway imaginable way.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Apr 22, 2014   #3
Through all these doubts and questions, I never stopped believing

Although there seems to be some doubt as to what were given, I never stopped believing

Some may say it was deranged to begin college with a heavy course load of nineteen credit hours while participating in research in the medical school, but I gained awareness of my strengths and weaknesses.

Some may say: For me, you don't need to discuss people opinion. Say your opinion straightforward.
my strengths and weaknesses: Sharing your own real examples. This is a very approach instead of showing the vague ideas: strengths and weaknesses

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