Sitting in the huge conference room in the Charles Schwab building, students are working hard on creating a high school college campus. Seven students are working diligently on the architecture of the different rooms of high school campus. Another five students, including myself, are working on the engineering aspects such as the buildings placement on the lamented map of the area and the electrical and mechanical units of the buildings. While the other two remaining students working on the PowerPoint presentation that will convey the point of our project in front of the ACE Mentorship Program. Working with different professional engineers and architects, arguing certain points of the project with my fellow teenage engineers, using engineer rulers, exact scales and process of eminent domain, for seven months made me feel like actual engineer. By encountering obstacles such as putting sports fields near the subway line and rerouting the bus that overlapped the construction area made me feel like I'm a mechanical engineer working for the Port Authority, in charge of creating a massive project for the benefit of Bushwick community.
'Charles Schwab conference' - common app short answer ace mentor program
...such as the building's placement on the lamented (do you mean lamenated? Lamented is very different! :-) map of the area and the electrical and mechanical units of the buildings.
... a massive project for the benefit of Bushwick community. ----nice ending! This is quite good.
... a massive project for the benefit of Bushwick community. ----nice ending! This is quite good.