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Education value + Disney's tiger - Entrance essays for Belmont University

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Jan 11, 2011   #1
Hey all! I just need some proofing for the following two questions. Feel free to comment or give some suggestions on what i can add or take out. It is supposed to be 2-3 paragraphs per question. Im not very good at making things short and sweet so any help is great!

What decisions and experiences in your life have been the most influential in your decision to apply to Belmont?[/i]

I have always valued my education throughout my school career. As a student with a learning disability I have found that you really need to do your research when it comes to finding the right college for you. During my last six years in middle school and high school, I went to five different schools in two different states and three different counties. As my senior year of high school rounded the corner, I was so far behind in requirements that I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Although receiving my GED was at the bottom of my list of possibilities, I believe everything works out for a reason. Everything that I have learned in life since then, I have used in my favor. After my mother passed away my fourth year of high school, I decided that getting my GED wasn't such a bad decision after all. I needed to provide for myself. Ever since then I have been saving for the day that I would go back to school and now is that time.

As a child, the first school I attended was a private elementary school. During the years that I spent there I observed that teachers sincerely cared about his or her job, and about the quality of learning that each of their students was receiving. Parents and teachers were always in contact and truly strived to improve each student. Having a learning disability is difficult enough as it is, but with the help of my teachers and extensive testing, I was able to figure out specific learning style that fit me. Belmont University has a student to teacher ratio of 13:1 and classes with thirty or less students is eighty-six percent. This will allow me to not only be able to focus better but the professors will hopefully be able to interact with me one on one on a more regular basis. Having experienced the difference between public and private schools and their commitment to their students, I feel that Belmont University will be able to fit my needs the best verses other schools in the area.

Belmont University will not only provide me an excellent education, but Belmont University is in a prime location within the Nashville community where I primarily spend my time. There are organic food stores and many other local shops that I support in the area and the student population will provide many social connections that I am currently lacking at a community college. Community is everything to me. Between intramural sports, student groups and college activities; Belmont University provides the best.

What factors in your life have led you to your current choice of major or career path?[i]

As a child, everyone in my family nicknamed me tiger after the classic Disney character that everyone knows. I was always into everything. Curious about the world around me and new and upcoming things, I landed myself in the hospital numerous times though out my life from being a little to daring and or curious. Unfortunately having spent multiple times in the hospital, I have had some bad experiences with doctors and nurses that made my stay unpleasant.

A nurse is not only provides care for an individual, they are also a friend. Nurses have to have excellent communication skills and be passionate about the quality of communication they are providing. The majority of people can list out the facts and provide the care they are instructed to, but the difference between a good nurse and a bad one is what your get in between the lines. Being courteous can go a long ways. I want to be able to make the difference between a bad experience and a good one in peoples lives.

Not only is nursing a recession-proof career, medicine is forever changing and expanding. I am always looking for new material to read and add onto my knowledge. When going into a career field like medicine you open up a variety of different doors filled with opportunities for your future and your patients. There are conferences, workshops, magazines, and books. Being a nurse will give me the opportunity to educate myself and specialize in multiple categories, interact with people on a daily basis, and will give the job security in something that I love and strive for.

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