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Experience with someone whose beliefs differ from mine

tenwavess 1 / -  
Nov 29, 2015   #1
I have always perceived myself as open minded and tolerant individual. So when I realized how differently my best friend and I perceived life, we both sensed a change in our friendship. I learned that we are all closed minded in a certain way regardless of whether we accept it or not. Everyday challenges aid us to be more accepting of another

Religion always seems to strike a nerve among people due to the controversy a discussion may bring. It can lead to arguments and may even ruin friendships. I have always been very involved in my church, I participate in fundraising activities, youth groups and I am even part of the youth band. So when I heard about the bible study group at school I decided to join in and invite my best friend. The bible study group members weren't all of same religious background or same beliefs. Ttherefore only certain topics are discussed.It never occurred to me to ask my best friend of what religion she was, I never thought it mattered.

After one session, my best friend I had a strong disagreement about her point of view which she raised at the bible study session. An argument ensued. We had extremely different beliefs, opinions and were both very stubborn. I realized we were so different. I could not deal with the fact that she did not think like me, I saw her views as incorrect. Why could I not make her see that she was wrong? Why does she not see it like I do? I was filled with angersimilar to if I had been the one judged or attacked. Yet, all along she did not attack me.

Days later after losing my bestfriend of 5 years, I reflected over the incident. I realized I was being immature, judgmental and wrong for trying to changer her views. Ishould not have been the one to criticize or attack her personal beliefs. I was not willing to throw away a friendship we had built over years due to a difference in opinion. Bible study was supposed to bring us closer by spending more time together and learning about something we both loved. came to my friend and apologized. She accepted my apology without the need for an explanation, as a true friend would.

Everyone is different regardless of how much in common you can have with a certain individual. Those differences are what shape each individual and create uniqueness. My best friend and I promised to respect each other's beliefs from then on. Our beliefs had never been discussed nor did they have to be.

I had considered myself open minded, but had never faced something that struck me personally. It was not until I was faced with something personaly different, thatI found my beliefs challenged. As people, we do not like to be contradicted or appear incorrect, but we have to learn to accept one another for who we are. Our varying beliefs and opinions help us have a better understanding of the world, allowing us to grow to the unimaginable.

vangiespen - / 4088  
Nov 29, 2015   #2
Daysi, your essay is one of the best responses that I have read for this prompt during this current application cycle. It is on point and offers a clear idea as to what you learned about yourself and how this experience, of having to deal with someone who has a different belief from yours has helped you to evolve and grow as a person. You may some very valid points that shows a type of maturity in your personality that is not commonly seen among the other college applicants. While the theme and content of your essay is strong, it was weakened by some grammar problems and rambling sentences. I took care of those problems for you in this current version of your essay that I drafted for your benefit.
justivy03 - / 2280  
Nov 29, 2015   #3
Daysi, I must say, you nailed what is asked of the prompt.
You made questions that are the exact questions you want to ask
somebody going through the same dilemma, there's a lot going on in your
essay that will keep the reader to read through the whole essay.

The good thing about your writing style is that, you keep the reader engaged,
you make us think about what you wrote and say yes, that actually happened to me.

Overall, it's a well written essay and you should be very confident on submitting it
and oh, don't forget to associate the corrections made by other EF contributors,
they help enhance your essay further, when you do your final revised essay.
post it here on EF so we can have a final proof read.

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