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Five days which taught me a lot. Cornell ILR program-- Why Cornell??

scgoalie00 3 / 2  
Dec 31, 2016   #1
Does this address Cornell ILR enough, or should I take out other sentences to be more specific? I'm pretty tight on the 500 word limit.

Tell us about your intellectual interests, how they sprung from your course, service, work or life experiences, and what makes them exciting to you. Describe how ILR is the right school for you to pursue these interests. (500 w0rds)

Five days of life experience

Oddly enough, a week surrounded by seventh graders taught me much about life. As a counselor at Walden West science camp-though I kept nature unscathed-I unearthed the value of understanding history, sociology, psychology, law, and passion in creating a better camp and world.

Day 1: Immediately, I spotted two troublesome-looking camp counselors: Atmosphere and Tree, Atmosphere sporting buzzed hair and baggy clothes; Tree, long braids and a brazen demeanor. Recognizing that their backgrounds failed to mirror mine, I avoided them. Later, upon entering a cabin, they clamored,

"Stinky, crinkly socks on the CEILING?!" Curious about the commotion, I had my first conversation with them (albeit, one about socks), realizing then that they were among the most approachable people I'd met. Scolding myself for my initial, inappropriate prejudice, I saw them in an unobstructed light. Through ILR history and sociology focuses, I hope to understand and unearth how and why prejudice began in order to prevent it in the future.

Day 2: Reluctant to become co-cabin leaders with an eccentric stranger, I thought, How awkward will this week-
"Hi! I'm Igneous and I'm soooo glad we're co-cabin leaders!" Igneous interrupted, alleviating my concerns. Whether throwing socks on the (oddly sticky) cabin walls or teaching me Cheetah Girls dances, Igneous proved herself the beacon of carefree positivity. When Tortuga, a camper, grew homesick, Igneous cheered him up with unrelenting optimism. As Tortuga's smile returned, I understood the power of positivity. Through ILR's psychology focus-specifically positive and humanistic-I hope to understand and adopt Igneous's optimism.

Day 3: On a hike, I noticed Fauna, a camper, wearing Uggs. Concerned for her comfort, I proposed, "Let's do a shoe swap- I'll trade you." Relief coloring her face, she gladly accepted; the pain in my feet paled in comparison to the joy of Fauna. Recognizing how I wish to serve others every day, my aspiration to become a trial attorney was born. Through ILR's law focus, I hope to continue a path toward my prospective career.

Day 4: "I wanna double cheeseburger, hold the lettuce..." spat the usually timid Night Owl, an unforeseen rapper. Embarrassed, she showcased her impressive talent to me alone. However, with my encouragement, she unleashed her passion, rapping to the entirety of camp and receiving a standing ovation. Even amidst learning, I see the importance of trust, bonds, and passion. Although ILR offers rigorous and rewarding academics, it also hosts a plethora of clubs that channel both academics and lively passion. To encourage and promote others, the opportunity to join the Women's Caucus and ILR Ambassadors remains paramount.

Day 5: As camp drew to a close, I promised to remember how Atmosphere and Tree taught me to eschew prejudice; Igneous, to utilize positivity; Fauna, to put others first; and Night Owl, to pursue passion. Though I sprouted higher than the surrounding sequoias through the lessons I learned, my growing is incomplete. Through ILR's unique mix of history, sociology, psychology, law, and passion, I will sharpen my tools to create a better tomorrow.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15200  
Jan 1, 2017   #2
Katie, this particular presentation is preventing you from properly developing the discussion as to how Cornell ILR will help you pursue your interests. While the presentation is creative, there is a lack of proper discussion development as to how specific ILR concerns presented itself during this week at camp. Even worse, you failed to properly develop the discussion of how Cornell ILR will be able to help you learn more about or understand why these sorts of situations occur. Single sentence representations of that discussion is not enough. There is a clear lack of familiarity with the course offerings and objectives of the department at Cornell University. You basically presented general ideas that could apply to any other university in terms of discussion development. The reason why Cornell ILR is the only university for you should be more academic centered and allow you to showcase an understanding of Industrial Labor Relations. You can still use the same conversation from this essay. Just present it in a more fluid discussion in essay format in order to allow yourself the freedom to properly develop your discussions. You can self edit if you go over the word count. You of all people should know when and where you can cut certain content of the essay without affecting the overall presentation.

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