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MIT: Favorite personality trait? (Sense of humor.. Hopefully with a twist)

xamanda 8 / 21 2  
Oct 31, 2012   #1
What attribute of your personality are you most proud of, and how has it impacted your life so far? This could be your creativity, effective leadership, sense of humor, integrity, or anything else you'd like to tell us about. (*) (200-250 words)

I don't want to choose the clichĂŠ "sense of humor" as my favorite personality trait. Instead, I will refer to this characteristic as my ability to laugh at the world and at my life. Almost like how we guffawed when Lucy and Ethel desperately stuffed chocolate into their clothes and mouths at the factory in "I Love Lucy", I see my life as something with a laugh track. It's how I interpreted, for example, that winter when the our one snowstorm fell on the day of my driver's license road test, or that time a delay caused me to miss my connecting flight, even after sprinting through John F. Kennedy Airport and watching the gates close right in front of me. For these things that I know I have little control over, I've taught myself not to take them too seriously. By being able to joke about my shortcomings, such as height (I am of small stature-This should make the pun more apparent), I show myself that I am comfortable with who I am. By always having a clever line in my head and expecting that life isn't perfect, I can handle the stress and inconveniences of daily life in a positive way.

I like how I see the world because my inner monologue is often an entertaining place to be. In my opinion, my ability to laugh at the world is more than just a sense of humor. It is a sense of humility, wit, self-deprecation, and confidence.

//250 words
I'm nervous that it isn't concrete enough and that it doesn't show good examples of how it impacted my life, and that overall this essay just doesn't pack a punch, if that makes sense. The beginning sounds awkward because before I had for a second sentence, "Anyone reading would think, "Wow, I see this person took the time to read the prompt."" My first sentence is supposed to be referring to the fact that "sense of humor" is in the prompt itself (and is a clichĂŠ "favorite trait" in general) and because of length requirements I don't think it expresses that as well as I want it to.

Any and all feedback would be appreciated. Thanks! :)
Azeroglu 2 / 3  
Oct 31, 2012   #2
Not so good essay
bhoppe 2 / 2  
Oct 31, 2012   #3
that winter when the our one snowstorm fell

I'm not sure what you meant here,you should revise that sentence.
Other than that, it's decent. It gets your point across and doesn't seem too rushed for the word constraint.

Home / Undergraduate / MIT: Favorite personality trait? (Sense of humor.. Hopefully with a twist)
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