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Motivation Myself to Live Stronger in Life

tiffany tran 1 / -  
Oct 21, 2015   #1
Motivation Myself to Live Stronger in Life

There are three causes that motivates me to live meaningful in life . The first thing I need to do is motivated myself. I treat everyday as final of the life. Every morning I wake up I make a deal with myself that try to do just a little more today than yesterday and watch the rewards come in. I do something really small but I create a flow. For example, I work six day a week, take one day off. The day I am not working I stay home to do housework. I clean my room, pay my bills, or wash the dishes. I had to work while listening to music. Enjoy the smallest things though tired but I know that I did everything become tidier and cleaner. When I have finished that small task I feel more alert and ready to go do the next thing. I just to get started to get motivated. So if you really do not feel like doing anything, start with something small and work your way out up, you will falling in love with it. I know that do odd things can make my life will become more beautiful and more meaningful. The second thing is school and work. I think life is meaningless without school and work. I go to school to more knowledge and improve my skill. I learn a lot new things in school that something I never know. Sometime I was lazy with my homework , but I see other people working around me, I am like "Oh, I should work too" and I get my work done that way much more efficiently. I go to school in the morning and work afternoon. My life is busy with everything, but I enjoyed it and never complained . I work with customers service. When I see my customers smile and happy because of my work I feel happy too. I work with customers but always remember to have fun with them. That make me enjoy and focus on work. The last reason that motivate me to live stronger is my family and my friends. Specially is my parents who work day in day out just to make sure that I get something happiness from them. Long time ago, my family very poor, my parents have to do a lot of different job to raised me up. When I look at my parents that something motivates me have to work harder in school and job. I want to be a docile and dutiful daughter, so that when parents look at will feel proud of me. Life would be meaningless if I did not have them by my side. They support and motivation me a lot. For instance, When I was seven years old, I was car accident and seriously injured in the leg. At that time is bad for me and I just wanted to give up everything. I think that life not fair to me, but my parents did not allow me to think so. My mother said that I was one of the lucky survivors of the accident, my friends have died while on the way to hospital. My mother encouraged me cheer lot and

Samuelsam123 12 / 46  
Oct 21, 2015   #2
Hey Tiffany ,
First of all , Great Try on this short essay!
I have some suggestions on how it could be done better ! .
Add a quote as a start!
"The way to get started is to stop talking and start doing ! " By the Walt Disney Company

The first thing i need to do is motivated myself .
You see, this sentence isn't grammatically correct plus it doesn't suit your points you are going to mention later.
I would suggest
To get myself motivated, I....

I just to get started to get motivated
I get what you mean. Try This instead :
I tell myself : Hey, That isn't so bad. I am just getting started.

You will falling in love with it
Grammer again !
You will start to get a hang of it.

Some time I was lazy = sometime I get laid off

My family very poor= My family's economic status was not very pleasant

Your mother said that you wanted to give up everything ?
What do you mean ?

Lastly , you ended your essay half hanged ? It doesn't make any sense...
Overall , good effort, just need more of the grammar support and some expressing in your points !
vangiespen - / 4088  
Oct 21, 2015   #3
Tiffany, your essay is just so hard to read at this point. As I was reading it, I found it hard to follow your train of thought and discussion because you did not separate your essay into topic paragraphs. Topic paragraphs are important for the reader because it allows the reader to better understand and keep track of what you are relating in your essay. Without it, reading the essay becomes a boring task. Topic paragraphs are also important for you, as the writer because you can better develop your discussions if you do not have to worry about keeping all of your thoughts along the same sentence lines. You have more freedom to discuss and present your thoughts on the topics you have provided.

In your first paragraph, I find that your initial sentence is wanting in terms of content. When you mentioned that you had causes that motivate you to live a meaningful life, you could have quickly presented those causes within the sentence. That way, the reader would understand and be prepared for the paragraph discussions. It would have also helped to better build your introduction if you allowed yourself to create a background for your thesis prompt before you launched directly into the discussion.

I would also like to direct your attention to the problem regarding your three reasons in relation to the way you have set up your paragraphs. As a reader, I would like to have been able to easily pick out the reason / topics within the sentences so that I could better focus on the content of your essay. The way you have it set up now, it is really difficult to find the reasons on the page. This is a problem that can easily be solved by following my advice regarding dividing the essay into paragraphs. Just make sure to mention the topic of the sentence in the first sentence of every paragraph and your essay should fall into place.
justivy03 - / 2279  
Oct 23, 2015   #4
- MotivationMotivate Myself to Live Stronger in Life

Tiffany, as you can see the first hit of your essay is in the title and this is not so good for your essay and to you as the author of the essay, you have to be very careful and make sure that you review your work before someone else does, however, us in EF will do all that we can to make sure that you have a well written essay, so let me try to help you out;

- me to live a meaningful in life .
- The first thing I need to do is motivatedto motivate myself.
- I treat everyday as final day of the life.
- myself thatto try to do
- I work six days a week,
- I just need to get started
- you will falling in love with it.
- I know that to do odd things
- can make my life will become more beautiful and more meaningful.

Tiffany, I'd like to stop making remarks from here, I'd like you to see the difference of the sentences after the remarks so you can see how it is, I hope you follow through, the reason I'm doing this as well is for you to be able to construct your own sentences using the base form of the verb or word because this is where your sentences fall apart and one more thing, I believe the closing sentence of the essay is not posted, we would love to read that too.

I hope to see your revised essay complete with your closing sentences.

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