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One of things in my life that have developed my leadership is soccer.

sarangnerkar 1 / 6  
Dec 6, 2012   #1
What attribute of your personality are you most proud of, and how has it impacted your life so far? This could be your creativity, effective leadership, sense of humor, integrity, or anything else you'd like to tell us about. (*) (200-250 words)

My leadership qualities are the attribute of my personality that I am most proud of. There are many things and incidents in my life that have developed the leadership qualities in me. One such thing is soccer. Soccer has been a very important part of my life. I have learnt many things from soccer. It has taught me how to lead a team, how to work with a team and how to work under a leader. There have been many captains of the team to which I belong and each of them had some different quality which made them good leaders and I always try to bring those qualities in me so that I too can become a good leader.

I believe that a leader should behave like any other member of the team for most of the time so that the team does not think that the leader is overusing his leadership rights. But a leader has to become strict or even a jester to deliver his ideas to the team members. And maybe my sense of humor helps me many times to deliver my message to my team members because a joke not only amuses a person but also makes him think about a topic. I have picked up this quality from Shakespeare, he used to mock at court life in his plays and that used to make people aware of the wrong things that took place in courts at that time.

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OP sarangnerkar 1 / 6  
Dec 6, 2012   #2
We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (*)(100 words or fewer)

One of my favorite pastimes is playing guitar. By playing guitar I manage to remove all my stress and anger. I also play soccer for pleasure. I have played soccer at the center forward position for many inter-house competitions at school. I love reading books and watching movies. My favorite movie is National Treasure: The Book of Secrets. I also play computer games for passing my time. My favorite game is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, my friends call me 'cod3 pro'. I also like watching TV. My favorite show is engineering connections on National Geographic channel.

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Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (*) (100 words or fewer)

The department that appeals to me the most is astronautical engineering. Space has fantasized me since childhood and my inspiration is Neil Armstrong. He has been my idol since childhood. It is my childhood dream to become an astronaut or do something that is related to space. I want to take up a career which is related to space and hence the major that appeals to me the most is astronautical engineering as I believe that a person should do work that interests him and a person's childhood dream is something that interests him the most.

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Jennyflower81 - / 674  
Dec 6, 2012   #3
My leadership qualities are the attribute of my personality that I am most proud of.
Or, you could say this: "The aspect of my personality that I am most proud of is my leadership skills."

There are many things and incidents in my life that have developed the leadership qualities in me. One such thing is soccer. Soccer has been a very important part of my life. I have learned many things from soccer.

Here is another way that you could say this: "Throughout my life, I have experienced many events that developed my quality of leadership. Primarily, soccer, which has been a significant factor in my own personal growth."

There have been many captains of the team to which I belong and each of them had some different quality which made them good leaders and I always try to bring those qualities in me so that I too can become a good leader.

This sentence is very long. It may sound better if it was in 2 sentences. Maybe you could say it like this: "My soccer team has had various captains, each with unique leadership qualities. The team captains have set a good example and have inspired me to improve my leadership skills."
jisha - / 1  
Dec 6, 2012   #4
In today's competitive world, many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work. While some say the children in these families benefit from the additional income, others feel they lack support because of their parents' absence.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
yisha 6 / 21  
Dec 6, 2012   #5
The requirement is 500 words at most. Just make full use of every word to show your point.
You have many spaces to give an example to show AO your uniqueness.

At the end of the first paragraph you mention the former captains. It would be better to explain what you learnt from them and what quality helps you surpass them.

You should show more details about how your leadership help you lead the team such as how you led the team to win a tough game or how you solved the conflicts between teammates.

Probably you can give an specific example of you humor sence to corraborate your point.

Also I think you can combine some short sentences to have different sentence structures.

One such thing is soccer. Soccer has been a very important part of my life. I have learnt many things from soccer.

I have learnt many things from soccer which plays a very important part of my life.
OP sarangnerkar 1 / 6  
Dec 7, 2012   #6
But the topic says 200-250 words....they have not mentioned 500 words.
Please check these answer too.
We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (*)(100 words or fewer)

One of my favorite pastimes is playing guitar. By playing guitar I manage to remove all my stress and anger. I also play soccer for pleasure. I have played soccer at the center forward position for many inter-house competitions at school. I love reading books and watching movies. My favorite movie is National Treasure: The Book of Secrets. I also play computer games for passing my time. My favorite game is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, my friends call me 'cod3 pro'. I also like watching TV. My favorite show is engineering connections on National Geographic channel.

(Please check this answer and mention any changes that would make it better)

Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (*) (100 words or fewer)

The department that appeals to me the most is astronautical engineering. Space has fantasized me since childhood and my inspiration is Neil Armstrong. He has been my idol since childhood. It is my childhood dream to become an astronaut or do something that is related to space. I want to take up a career which is related to space and hence the major that appeals to me the most is astronautical engineering as I believe that a person should do work that interests him and a person's childhood dream is something that interests him the most.

(Please check this answer and mention any changes that would make it better)
linting2012 10 / 78  
Dec 7, 2012   #7
Hi Sarangnerkar

I just think that the example of Neil Armstrong is a little bit overused. Why not use other famous aeronautic engineer as the inspiration? Maybe even a MIT professor? This will make your essay sound more impressive. BTW I am applying to MIT too so good luck.
OP sarangnerkar 1 / 6  
Dec 8, 2012   #8
Please help me with these answers too.
Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences in the space below (1000 character maximum).
One of my favorite extracurricular activities is playing soccer. I love playing soccer because it not only helps a person to be physically fit but also enhances the leadership qualities and the spirit of teamwork in the person. I also play tennis but I prefer soccer as it involves teamwork due to which we make new friends and learn to work with many people and helps us understand people in a better way. Soccer has taught me many important things like leading a team, working with a team and working under a leader. I have been playing soccer since I was in 4th grade and I hope that I will be able to play soccer for my college in future. In soccer I play in the center-forward position. I have played in some of my school's important matches and also in most of the inter house matches in my school.

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What keywords would your friends use to describe you?
Humorous, friendly, philosophical, naughty, math and science teacher's favorite, interactive, guitarist, music lover, soccer lover, entertainer, physics lover, persistent while solving math and physics problems, gregarious and kind.

(Please check this answer and mention any changes that would make it better)

Please tell us about your educational goals, your interest in your chosen program(s), and your reasons for applying to the University of Waterloo. If you have applied to more than one program please discuss your interest in each program. (900 character limit)

I have been using computers since I was a child and I am very fond of them. I use computers daily and I love to use them. Computers are an essential part of not only my but of everybody's life. This is the reason why I want to be a computer engineer. I want to do something good for the computer industry like Bill Gates. I want to be a person like him. I want to make a remarkable image in the computer industry and that is the reason why I want to go to a university which is one of the best in the world. I want to go to a university which will make me a remarkable person in the field of computers and the University of Waterloo seems to be the best option for me. I want to go to the University of Waterloo because of its co-op program in computer engineering which is provided by very few universities of which the University of Waterloo is the best.

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Jennyflower81 - / 674  
Dec 8, 2012   #9
Humorous, friendly, philosophical, naughty, math and science teacher's favorite, interactive, guitarist, music lover, soccer lover, entertainer, physics lover, persistent while solving math and physics problems, gregarious and kind.

I can try to make this part sound better, and write it in sentences.

"My friends would describe me as a fun and entertaining individual. They always laugh at my jokes, and enjoy listening to me play music on my guitar. I am considered to be gregarious and kind, although at times I am introspective and adventurous. At school, my classmates might say that I am the teacher's favorite student, due to my enthusiasm for math and physics,"
OP sarangnerkar 1 / 6  
Dec 18, 2012   #10
Tell us about the most significant challenge you've faced or something important that didn't go according to plan. How did you manage the situation?(*) (200-250 words)

Everything in life cannot go according to our plan. There has been an incident in my life that did not go the way I thought or wanted it to go.Something happened unintentionally and I have been repenting about it for 7 years.

When I was in 5th grade, I was bullied by three boys who were in 10th grade. They teased me a lot, bate me up a little and while troubling me they broke my science project. I was very scared, tears rolled down my cheeks and I could not go in front of them because of the fear of being bullied again. So I decided to tell about it to my school's principal. As I was a sincere student he took my problem seriously. He rusticated those students immediately and put a red mark on their leaving certificate due to which most of the schools refused their admissions. I did not want this to happen. I felt that I had ruined their career because 10th grade is a very important year for a student in India. They did not get admission in most of the junior colleges and then I don't know what happened to them.

Two years ago I saw one of them in a bus. Maybe he did not recognize me after five years but I recognized him and could not go in front of him. This time not because of the fear of being bullied but because of the fear of the thought that my reaction ruined his life. Maybe if I reacted differently, maybe if I went only to the student counselor and not to the principal, I would not have ruined their life.

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christies 3 / 8  
Dec 18, 2012   #11
For the activity one for MIT, I think you should focus on one activity, rather than saying different activities that you do
OP sarangnerkar 1 / 6  
Dec 19, 2012   #12
What has inspired you to pursue an engineering degree and why would you like to study at the University of Toronto. What skills have you developed through your extra-curricular experiences that will support your future success as both student and an engineer?

Science was introduced to me as a subject in class 3 and since that time science has been my favorite subject. I like math too but when it comes to studying, I prefer science. When I was in class 7, physics, chemistry, and biology were introduced to me as separate subjects. After this my favorite subjects became physics, then math and then chemistry. The field which involves these basic subjects the most is engineering. Also I have always loved to create and discover things which again take place in engineering. Thus I was inspired to pursue an engineering degree.

In India, there is a need of new technology, better and more homes for the increasing population and better machinery to utilize the resources to their fullest. The person who is behind all this development is an engineer. Engineers are required on a large scale in India but most of the people who become bachelor's in engineering go for a MBA degree and then work in places like banks in the greed of more money. But I don't have the same thinking. I want the development of not only India but of the whole world. I want to be an engineer not for the sake of money, had it been all about money I would have opted for a management degree and directly entered business where there is a lot of money. I want the development of the world and I want to do a job which interests me which is engineering.

In India people do not believe in taking an undergraduate degree from a foreign country. Thus most of the students do not even know about the top universities. For them the Indian Institutes of Technology are the best universities of the world. But I know that there are better universities outside India. I feel that I have the potential of going to the top universities of the world, one of which is the University of Toronto. Thus I would like to study at the University of Toronto not only because it is one of the best universities of the world but also to set an example for others that an Indian student can study at one of the top universities.

One of my favorite extra-curricular activities is playing soccer. It has helped me to develop many qualities, one of which is my leadership quality. Soccer has taught me how to lead a team, how to work in a team ad how to work under a leader. These qualities are very important for engineers. For example, an engineer at a construction site has to lead his team, he has to work under his boss and he also has to work with the architect as a team. Even the plays of Shakespeare have developed my personality. Shakespeare in his plays used to mock at the court life to explain the audience the bad things that took place in the courts. I play the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and I am also the best player among my friends. It inspires me to do things with confidence. I believe that anything can be an inspiration for a good quality. The only thing is that we should be able to understand it.

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Please try to reply as soon as possible as the last date is after 2 days
OP sarangnerkar 1 / 6  
Dec 21, 2012   #13
Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?(*) (200-250 words)

India today is not the way it is shown in most of the movies, where there are maharajas and huge palaces. India has now changed. Today, nearly every Indian in a city wears a headphone connected to his mp3 player while he is travelling. But one thing is true that the Indian culture is still alive somewhere. Not everyone is connected to Indian culture but there are people who are carrying the elements of the Indian culture to the next generations.

I believe that I am one of those people who is carrying the Indian culture to the next generation. This is because of a Classical Indian instrument: Tabla. Very few people, in India itself, can play tabla and even fewer in the world. I am one of those people. This differentiates me from other people of my age. Classical Indian music helps to keep our mind calm, like meditation, and I have experienced it.

But as I have mentioned, India is not the same as before, similarly I have learnt guitar, which is a western instrument. It has helped me to fuse together both the ends of music. And I can assure anyone that the fusion is beautiful. This differentiates me even more because I can talk to people about both the ends of music, similar to the way one can see palaces in Jaipur and huge building in Mumbai . So I feel that I am the true representative of today's India where there is culture with modernization.

I am not sure if the sentences ingreenare correct. Please pay special attention to them.
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