Hi. This is an English class and my topic is on Ebola. I need help to fix some grammar errors. This paper should be mla format. Any help would be grateful. Thank you.
Hi my paper is on Ebola and this is an English class. This is mla format
Fahad, drop your essay, I can't find any attachment or piece. People here are always ready to help.
I tried to upload my paper but it tells me it is too big or it wont let me
Fahad, don't try to upload your paper as a file. That won't work. You need to cut and paste the whole file onto this thread as a posting. Make sure that you include the reference page and the original instructions of your professor for our reference. Point out any particular portions that concern you and/or other things that you want us to look out for when reviewing your essay. Don't forget, our reviews are only as good as the instructions we are given so we need to make sure that you direct us properly in reviewing the paper. Remember, we need the complete instructions along with the paper that you wrote :-)