i have several content that i was thinking to write. However considering the word limit of 300 words, i decided to focus on the most inspiring incident (to me at least) to elaborate on,.
Describe the highlights of your most important achievements or contributions. If you have any outstanding talent (e.g. national sportsman, run a successful business, outstanding community service), please include them as well. (Max : 300 words)
The serve Thailand community trip was the most meaningful incident that happened to me thus far. Not only was it a new experience, but it also gave me a whole new perspective to something most of us take for granted; life.
Being an active member of the Singapore Soka Association(SSA), I have always volunteered myself on an ad-hoc basis to community projects like the National Day Parade(NDP) and CHINGAY. I also did fund raising and clothing and supplies collection with SSA during tragic events like the Sichuan earthquake and 2004 Asian tsunami.
Despite volunteering for all the said community projects, I did not feel that I have made a difference in someone's life. The trip however made me realize that any effort, no matter how small, is capable of changing someone's life. The trip also enlightened me to look at issues which are more fundamental compared to the physical living conditions of the villagers. For example, while we can renovate and refurnish the school to make it more attractive and comfortable, the education standards of the school need to be reinforced as well by means of compulsory education. After all, education is the best way to alleviate poverty in the long-run.
I will never forget the happiness displayed by the children when we revealed the donated clothing and toys to them. What was old and useless to us was as good as gold in their eyes! This made me reflect on the many luxuries I enjoy in Singapore, and how they were never needs to begin with. It made me realign my priorities in life and focus on what is really important, compared to the material enjoyments.
My ability to adapt to new environments was also strengthened as this trip stretched my comfort zone.
i feel that my writing style is not very impressive and the choice of words and presenting styles is not "bombastic" enough. i would need to submit this essay within the next few days.
would appreciate all comments and feedbacks on who to better my essay. thanks!!
Describe the highlights of your most important achievements or contributions. If you have any outstanding talent (e.g. national sportsman, run a successful business, outstanding community service), please include them as well. (Max : 300 words)
The serve Thailand community trip was the most meaningful incident that happened to me thus far. Not only was it a new experience, but it also gave me a whole new perspective to something most of us take for granted; life.
Being an active member of the Singapore Soka Association(SSA), I have always volunteered myself on an ad-hoc basis to community projects like the National Day Parade(NDP) and CHINGAY. I also did fund raising and clothing and supplies collection with SSA during tragic events like the Sichuan earthquake and 2004 Asian tsunami.
Despite volunteering for all the said community projects, I did not feel that I have made a difference in someone's life. The trip however made me realize that any effort, no matter how small, is capable of changing someone's life. The trip also enlightened me to look at issues which are more fundamental compared to the physical living conditions of the villagers. For example, while we can renovate and refurnish the school to make it more attractive and comfortable, the education standards of the school need to be reinforced as well by means of compulsory education. After all, education is the best way to alleviate poverty in the long-run.
I will never forget the happiness displayed by the children when we revealed the donated clothing and toys to them. What was old and useless to us was as good as gold in their eyes! This made me reflect on the many luxuries I enjoy in Singapore, and how they were never needs to begin with. It made me realign my priorities in life and focus on what is really important, compared to the material enjoyments.
My ability to adapt to new environments was also strengthened as this trip stretched my comfort zone.
i feel that my writing style is not very impressive and the choice of words and presenting styles is not "bombastic" enough. i would need to submit this essay within the next few days.
would appreciate all comments and feedbacks on who to better my essay. thanks!!