Academic vs Vocational Schools
In some countries at secondary or high school, there may be two streams of study: acadmic or vocation. What are the advantages for students and society of putting students into two streams at the age of fifteen?
Academic and practice-based school are the option for pupils to continue studying in certain countries. Both of scheme bring prime benefit for students and society such as creating better workforce for nation and increasing society wealth in underdeveloped cities.
The increasing number of academic and vocational school in some countries, especially at Asian region could make a better skill in labor demography. Since some of juvenile are not interested in academic schools, they prefer to choose internship or learning under company under school regulation, resulting better distribution of labor. Additionally, it could rise the number of investments by multinational company to country so It establish job field for the nation. For instance, Indonesia, which is categorized as one the most populated countries, implemented both of these school to provide different characteristics student since 40 years ago. if this programm consistently held by local government, it will increase the amount of capital flow to Indonesia by doubled.
Due to some issue inequality in new industrial country, government build vocational school to solve this problem. This is supported by the capable of this school to create hard skill and soft skill for the youngster, making a better-off condition for village in term of skill full labor. For example, Gunung Kidul government, which is established village-owned enterprise, has successfully collaborated between local academy and enterprise institution to create real-practice studies for underprivileged society in the past 2010. From the research conducted by the host universities in 2019, showed the increasing of disposable income received by pupil after four years studying in this collaboration.
The widely spread of theory and practice-based school in certain region are beneficial for the improvement of productivity and rising the rate of income for isolated cities. Where possibly, Government should increase their expenditure to create better education in vocational school especially for developing countries to equalize both on teacher.