Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace traditional foods and traditional methods of food preparation.
Fast food these day become life stayle around citizent especially who live in urban area and change habitual inhabitans to eat. It is also might take place traditional food on heart the consumer who prefer to allow this life stayle. To be frankly honest, I totaly disagree with this motion due to several reasons.
Fast food restaurant nowadays is sparse almost every sides in the city. This is because it affordable for every one to buy and also simple to eat anywhere anytime that consumer want it. This hapen caused of fast food restaurant have their own way to attrack buyers to buy it in one pack, such as in french chicken resaturant in which sell chicken, rice, drink, and desert in low price. Therefore, it as draw for consumer particulary who have limit savings money but want to eat delicious food. Moreover, fast food also easy to bring and to consume hence, employees tend to choose this one as their lunch owing to limited time to rest.
In spite of that, slowly but sure traditional foods take them place again as popular cuisine in the midle of citizent. It is because some of people believe that fast food has higher risk as source disease such as cancer. Therefore, people who realise that prefer to consume traditional food than fast food. Besiedes, special cuisine to celebrate event such as Id Mubarak will not replaced by fast food restaurant due to, this as culture to eat that will be continuous as identical food to celebrate Id Mubarak.
As matter of fact, attandence of fast food restaurant can cause people easier particullary worker who have deadline for lunch and limit money. Yet, it might drive disease and also can not replace memoriable food to celebrate special event.
Celebrating Food
Fast food these day become life stayle around citizent especially who live in urban area and change habitual inhabitans to eat. It is also might take place traditional food on heart the consumer who prefer to allow this life stayle. To be frankly honest, I totaly disagree with this motion due to several reasons.
Fast food restaurant nowadays is sparse almost every sides in the city. This is because it affordable for every one to buy and also simple to eat anywhere anytime that consumer want it. This hapen caused of fast food restaurant have their own way to attrack buyers to buy it in one pack, such as in french chicken resaturant in which sell chicken, rice, drink, and desert in low price. Therefore, it as draw for consumer particulary who have limit savings money but want to eat delicious food. Moreover, fast food also easy to bring and to consume hence, employees tend to choose this one as their lunch owing to limited time to rest.
In spite of that, slowly but sure traditional foods take them place again as popular cuisine in the midle of citizent. It is because some of people believe that fast food has higher risk as source disease such as cancer. Therefore, people who realise that prefer to consume traditional food than fast food. Besiedes, special cuisine to celebrate event such as Id Mubarak will not replaced by fast food restaurant due to, this as culture to eat that will be continuous as identical food to celebrate Id Mubarak.
As matter of fact, attandence of fast food restaurant can cause people easier particullary worker who have deadline for lunch and limit money. Yet, it might drive disease and also can not replace memoriable food to celebrate special event.