consumption of energy in the USA
The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030.
The graph shows growth in the energy utilizing during the period 1980 - 2030 in the USA accounted for a 2008 report. Overall, the consumption for five out of the six fuels are expected to have some significant changes which Petrol and Oil energy has experienced a steep rise during a period of 50 years.
Petrol and Oil was the highest consumed energy in 1980, stood at around 35 quadrillion Units. With the exception of a slight fall over the next 15 years, it will increase significantly, and reach a peak in the final period of just below 50 quadrillion Units. On the other hand, Coal and Natural gas have grown steadily throughout the given frame, but Coal will exceed Natural gas by approximately 6 quadrillion Units.
Interestingly, Nuclear, Solar/Wind, and Hydropower are the least used energy in the 1980's. However, in the future, the former and the latter will rise slightly at just above 5 quadrillion Units, whereas Hydropower have remained stable.
To conclude, Petrol and Oil energy has become the most popular energy to consume, whilst Hydropower have been the least popular of the six in the USA based on history and projections, over the fifty-year period.