Whether temperament which we are born with or experience various situations has an effect on our character or growing up arouse some controversy. From my point of view, both of them influence on our personality and development.
Firstly some psychologist like Cloninjer believe that people are born with four specific temperaments ( harm avoidance, novelty seeking, perseverance, reward dependence) which have a crucial role in forming the personality and how we get long with our family and other people. for instance one longitudinal research illustrated teenagers who have been more novelty seeker , they have had borderline personality, which is a personality disorder, when they have grown up. Which is why, it is really important to pay attention to the temperaments of children. Secondly people are inherited some traits which haven't changed. However, they have experienced different situations and have acquired new things in their lives.
On the other hand, some theorists who are advocate of behavioral theories believe that the personality of individuals is made by encountering several conditions. For example Eskiner who is a famous behavioral psychologist said we have different characters because our parents provide specific situations for us; in the other words we are product of conditions which we have nurtured in. for instance parents who have gotten strict upbringing to their children, they might be have had sons or daughters with obsessive personality. therefore they don't accept that traits which every person are born with determining personality or way of growing.
To sum up I think that nurture and nature, both of them, are the bases of the personality and development, we can not neglect each of them. In additions Parents should heed their children' s traits which are born with and provide best conditions for them.
Firstly some psychologist like Cloninjer believe that people are born with four specific temperaments ( harm avoidance, novelty seeking, perseverance, reward dependence) which have a crucial role in forming the personality and how we get long with our family and other people. for instance one longitudinal research illustrated teenagers who have been more novelty seeker , they have had borderline personality, which is a personality disorder, when they have grown up. Which is why, it is really important to pay attention to the temperaments of children. Secondly people are inherited some traits which haven't changed. However, they have experienced different situations and have acquired new things in their lives.
On the other hand, some theorists who are advocate of behavioral theories believe that the personality of individuals is made by encountering several conditions. For example Eskiner who is a famous behavioral psychologist said we have different characters because our parents provide specific situations for us; in the other words we are product of conditions which we have nurtured in. for instance parents who have gotten strict upbringing to their children, they might be have had sons or daughters with obsessive personality. therefore they don't accept that traits which every person are born with determining personality or way of growing.
To sum up I think that nurture and nature, both of them, are the bases of the personality and development, we can not neglect each of them. In additions Parents should heed their children' s traits which are born with and provide best conditions for them.