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Several different citizenships of New Zealand's guest

Hujjatul19 45 / 70 3  
Sep 13, 2016   #1
The pie chart illustrates several different citizenship of New Zealand's guests and is measured by percent. Those guests are from three different continents; Australia, Europe and Asia. Overall, it can be seen that the citizens who come from Australia and Europe continents place more than half of the overall percentage, while only small group of tourists from Asia continent who visit New Zealand.

The tourists from Australian and Europe continents; Australia, United Kingdom and United States, are the largest number. At the top of the percentage is Aussy, it takes 40 percent travellers. The second is British which takes 12 percent and the third is placed by American which takes 9 percent.

On the other hand, Asia continent which consists of South Korea, Japan and China, place the last three stages. Tourists who come from South Korea are only 3 percent from the overall visitors. While Japanese and Chinese who in New Zealand as tourists take 4 percent and 5 percent respectively.

  • I'm really sorry for this. This is the right picture. Thank you
justivy03 - / 2366 607  
Sep 13, 2016   #2
Hi Husnul, first of all WELCOME to the Essay Forum Family, we hope to provide you with the most accurate and valuable feedback that will help you in coming up with an even stronger essay. Having said that, please find the suggestions for your analysis below.

- Australia and European continents place
- tourists from the Asian continent
- who visits New Zealand.

- The tourists from Australian and European continents;
- At the top of the percentage is Aussyare Aussies ,
- it takes 40 percent of the travellers.
- The second isare the British which

- On the other hand, the Asian continent
- Chinese who are in New Zealand as

There you have it Husnul, I hope the above remarks and suggestions help you with your revision. Overall, there's not much to modify, you just have to focus on the proper form of the words you use in your sentences.

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