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'A guest visited our Pirate School' - Common App extracurricular short answer

eastring 3 / 3  
Oct 17, 2011   #1
One day, an extraordinary guest visited our Pirate School. It was an aged gentleman wearing a hat down close to his nose and clothed in tatters. As I saw him walking slowly towards my tattoo table among many little kids, I started to fear as though he was meant to cause unforeseen problem. It was at that moment when he asked me of a very surprising yet conventional favor: "Could you draw me the Skulls and Crossbones?"

When I finally raised my head after finishing the tattoo on his hand, I saw that he was smiling, just like, or perhaps more heavenly than, those other little kids that I've ever met. I then went through the strangest mixed feeling of shame and happiness. I soon realized that I had been foolishly refusing to see people's real value by arrogantly judging their appearance. Today, I not only draw but share warmth and emotion with each hand I embrace in my palm.

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