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Are testing and examinations justified? The current system needs some improvements.

lacusclyne 16 / 23  
Jun 28, 2015   #1
Examinations and tests as means of assessment of students' educational process have been widely used and acknowledged for almost hundred years. Personally, I believe that there are lots of merits to be acquired from testing; however, the drawbacks it may pose should not be overlook either.

To begin with, the most obvious advantage of testing and exams is the fact that it allows teachers to get access to students' educational and understanding process. Marks and points in some exams convey a fairly clear view of each student's level as well as the degree to which students understand the subject matter, teachers can thereby employ corresponding teaching strategies suitable for all students. For instance, for those students who have voracious appetite for facts and knowledge, teachers can add some complex information which is nowhere to be found in common textbooks or syllabus. On the other hand, for needy student who have difficulties in grasping basic ideas and structures, teachers may adjust their teaching pace to help them keep up with the others. What is more, examinations and testing also help parents to get a grasp of their children' educational situations at schools to put them under regular supervision if needed be.

On the other hand, examinations and testing, in some cases, may have some flaws and drawbacks. In particular, some students often suffer from mental trauma during exams. In cases as such, exams are no longer a practical and accurate tools to get access to students' levels. More importantly, current testing systems in some countries fail to cover some skills such as presentation, team-work, group discussion which are essential and strongly needed in the workplace. Last but not least, to cope with tests and exams, some students develop a testing technique called short-term memorizing which can only provide them with temporary memory of the subject matter without further understanding of it.

To put it in the nutshell, the benefits of testing can far outstrip its disadvantage. However, with our current testing system, I am afraid that we may not make the most out of it.

lcturn87 - / 427  
Jun 28, 2015   #2
I can help you make some changes to your paper. First, you should make this change to the end of your paragraph: overlook either "overlooked".

Also, make these changes to the second paragraph: is the fact that it allows teachers to get access to students' educational achievements.When you discuss marks and points, change in to "on". Replace the comma after matter with a period. Use a transition word to begin the next sentence. Ex:

"Therefore, teachers can use teaching strategies that correspond to the needs of each student." This sentence fits better with the information that you begin to discuss in the next sentence. Place "a" before voracious. Delete some of these words: common textbooks or syllabus .This sentence needs a revision: On the other hand, for needy if a student has difficulties in grasping basic ideas and structures , teachers may adjust their teaching pace to help the student keep up with his or her peers. You can also change regular supervision to "help them receive remedial help". Regular supervision could mean something that involves the students behavior.

This next paragraph has some great information. However, the third sentence is incomplete. You should add "levels of achievement", to the end of the sentence. Add "and" before group in the next sentence. Change last but not least to: "Finally". Remember to cite your source if there is information that is being used from a source such as a book, the Internet, etc.

I wouldn't end the essay with this transitional phrase. I think you can end with "In summary". Change outstrip to outweigh and make disadvantage plural.
justivy03 - / 2279  
Jun 28, 2015   #3
- To begin with, the most obvious advantage of testing and exams ( "testing and exams", this is synonym to each other and basically very redundant, I suggest keeping or choosing one term to use ) is the fact that it allows teachers to get access to students' educational and understanding process.

- Marks and points in some exams convey a fairly clear view of each student's level as well as the degree to which students understand the subject matter, teachers can thereby employapply corresponding teaching strategies suitable for all students.

- What is more, examinations and testing also help parents to get a grasp of their children's educational situations at schools to put them under regular supervision if needed to be.

- To put itin theIn a nutshell, the benefits of testing can far outstrip its disadvantage.

Good job, this is a well written cause and effect essay.
However, be mindful of the following;

- word choice

- sentence structure, you tend to go back and forth with your idea

- proof read

- verb use especially your linking verbs

Keep writing

tuananh 8 / 13  
Jun 28, 2015   #4
I think that your essay is so much better than mine which base on the same topic of yours.
I have some small suggestions: 'strongly needed in the workplace' can be replaced by ' highly required'.
' More importantly' can be replaced by ' Another important consideration in this case is that...'
Hope it helps!

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