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'Which Way to Go' - my reflective essay

vgrommes 2 / 3  
Oct 18, 2011   #1
Which Way to Go

What possibly could be the dramatic increase per year of Hispanic families being torn apart? What justifies a parent to leave a human life behind? Why risk what they have created and leave as if there was a pot of gold in another country waiting for them to become rich and wealthy. In the devastating true story of Enrique's Journey, author Sonia Nazario writes about a young boy name Enrique who is desperate to find his mother in the United States. What would trigger Hispanic people to leave their homeland and start a new life in an unknown land?

As a result of Mexico's 1910 revolution, there has been an increase in poverty and corrupted government. An increase of jobs during World War I and II took a dramatic affect in the United States, signing the Bracero Treaty. The United States reopened the floodgates for legal immigration workers, so they could work. The lure of jobs in the United States compare to Mexico's enforces deprived people to invade the United States. Persuades me to believe Hispanic people were on the search for a better life. Families that lived this inhumane and cruelty way definitely must have been very unhealthy.

Explains, why America is known as a country for a better opportunity for survival, freedom, and jobs to work. In my opinion, it is not the best choice to make when choosing where to live. It should be a place you plan to reside, value its property and feel safe at home. A home to me is not homely without one or both parents in the same household to raise their children. Perhaps that is the reason why Hispanic families are separated, and children are raised by their relatives.

It is so heartless and selfish a mother would have the courage to move to another country and abandon their children. This is why Enrique becomes distant from his mother, and the relationship they once had has gradually shattered. The move to another country and abandoning their children is a negative approach because it destroys families' relationships. Children who lack these needs look else where to replace the missing love. They soon realize there is nobody that can replace their parents love. Growing up without your parents plays a significant effect on a child's life throughout childhood and until adulthood. As a mother of two, I can not imagine how I could go on with life without my children. I would not be able to function correctly on a daily base. Eventually it would lead me to an emotional wreck of sadness and depression. These feelings of remorse would arise, as though, I had committed a crime of hatred. Everyday would be so difficult to see parents and children interacting with each other out in the public. I would confined myself from the public and become my own hostage, in my home. What is the best rout for a parent to support their family?

The best way to respond is to think before I give my opinion. My views of life have changed dramatically. I'm able to approach parents and not have the urge to speculate or think negative. I'm convinced parents have their reasons why they go to America. They try to financially support their children, so they can have food to eat and live. Why they go this rout and not stay where they are? What they look for is survival,

to provide for their children no matter the pain, hard work and the time it takes. The actions parents do for their children to survive are very interesting to me even if others disagree. These stories have visually helped me to recognize the good or bad and how tempting it is to do what you want. And to never give up despite what others think. I have learned that it's okay to state my opinion but not to expect everyone to agree with me. What matters to me is what I believe in. It also motivates me to keep going every day.

Liebe 1 / 541 2  
Oct 18, 2011   #2
I am sorry, but the first few paragraphs were rather boring as they read more like something from a history book rather than as if it were from a reflective essay.

Try and engage your reader from the beginning, than boring them with facts that your reader may already know/not care about. (As harsh as that may sound)
callmeapple 3 / 5  
Oct 19, 2011   #3
What is the question for this essay?
As Liebe has said, you need to add hook in the beginning of the essay so that you can engage your audience!

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